Bx 1860


New member

BX2360 FEL 60MMM BoxBlade
Sep 16, 2010
Sevierville, TN
I was just reading old posts and saw yours with no answers. I have a 2010 BX2360 with a 60” MMM and also use a Cyclone Rake. Have not had any trouble with the Rake keeping up with the MMM output, BUT when cutting grass it fills up way to fast for me. I usually cut the grass once a week and am removing about 2 – 3 inches each week. I find the the Cyclone Rake is of much more use in collecting the leafs in the Spring and the Fall. If the leafs are dry when mowed over they come out of the hopper very much like the mulch that is sold @ the big box store. When we got the Cyclone Rake 4 years ago it was ordered for a John Deere X300 but when the hopper was filled with grass the X300 couldn't pull it up the hills in the yard. When I traded for the BX I did look at the Cyclone kit for mounting the Rake to the BX but did not like adding that much to an already long setup, just too much to work with in close quarters. I ended up mounting the Rake's draw pins to the back of the BX's rear frame. Search on Cyclone Rake and you will find a lot of mounting ideas, that’s where I got mine. I do have to release the 3pt arms and tie them out of the way when using the Rake though. All in all the Cyclone Rake is one of the more usefull items around here!


New member

'07 BX1850 w/FEL, '06 John Deere X300
Mar 6, 2009
Stony Plain, Alberta
Hi Tony

I have a BX1850, basically one version back from yours. It's rated for either the 48" or the 54" mower; the guys at my dealership advised against the 60" unless you have the 22-hp or up engine. I got the 48" because it's only a bit wider than the tractor and so the better half would be less likely to snag it on something when mowing our walking trails (notice I said LESS likely . . .:D). The 18-hp feels good with my mower deck, should be ok for you even at 54".

I have not used a "Cyclone" picker-upper; we just pull our axle-planetary-drive bagger behind the JD X300 for leaves, not for grass, so no help to you there.

BTW, if you buy the mower deck "in the crate" instead of fully assembled, you might get a deal on it - my dealer was good that way, and it made it easier to get home using the crate to unload it. Same thing with my tiller.

Hope this helps.