Built Ford Tough


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Apr 5, 2013
Porter Maine
Well...s^*& happens. I went out this morning and after driving a bear off last night with some gun fire. I noticed my truck was tilted one way. What the hell. The passengers side front tire was flat. No kidding.
Got the jack and impact driver. Got it off and filled it with air. On the sidewall it has a dip where I'm guessing the cord is broken inside. And where the dip is you can feel a pin hole of air pissing out.
Sent the salesman an email. No reply I'll call tomorrow.
I hate Goodyear tires. They might be ok for racing but nothing else. I've never had good luck with them. I think when the factory sends out a bid for ten billion tires they get junk.
And NO it was not a bullet hole in the tire !!


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
I hate Goodyear tires. They might be ok for racing but nothing else. I've never had good luck with them. I think when the factory sends out a bid for ten billion tires they get junk.
Not a Goodyear fan here either. My experience is mostly OEM, as I don’t replace factory tires with GY.

I’ve had 6 new Chevy Silverados in a row. I think all but one had GY. Some have gone 50k miles, others 25....my driving or use hasn’t changed in 25 years.
I can spot the cupping on the edges of a car and call that’s a GY. Had the same happen to me on a brand new truck. Tire pressure is often first thing to look at, but they were always kept up.
Like oils, everyone has their preference for tires. For me GY isn’t on the list when I’m looking for tires for a vehicle......