winter rye(sorry not wheat..) can be planted about 3-4 weeks before the frost sets in,I've planted as laste as 1st Nov and it grows.I buy a bushel bag of it, split into 5 buckets, hand sow over the garden,then run empty lawnroller over it .probably overseeding x4 to x8, but it's great soil conditioner, green manure and well, looks real pretty next Spring ! My season is from late april until mid october( southern Ontario). I figure on April to be the 'prep' month(plow,till,compost) May is for peas and lettuces', June 1stish , the tenders go in ..tomatos,beans, peppers, , really everything else.Farmers rule, wait 3 days after the bridals Weath spirea blooms THEN plant 'tenders'. That has never ,ever failed me. If you have a short growing season, buy veggies with short maturity days ! Plant 45 day varieties NOT 75 day versions. Kinda helps to read the labels for some things.... I don't plant spuds or corn. Too many spud bugs and coons.Every 3 years I get 'last row' pickings from neighbour,usually 200-250# worth.It helps to do favours for neighbours !
if you add lots of compost, crop rotation isn't really necessary. Also add new drywall scraps to the field, peppers LOVE it,paper not a problem. If you have access to free or cheap bales of straw, use 6 to make a compost 'bin', stack another 6 on top as you fill year, add another 'bin', toss 2nd years compostables into it.After 3rd year, 1st bin can be tossed into garden. Works well if you don't have room to toss and turn the pile every month or so.If you like garlic, plant in fall, it survives winter fine, grows better than spring planted garlic. make a planting hoe(stick with 4 'dowel fingers' 6" apart to speed up the planting,plant LOTS, easy to grow,'s a great seller up here, $10/# !