Bazinga!!!! I got it fixed!


New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
I am trying to work through our Lions club to make sure this food is rescued from a sure demise in a dumpster and get it on a daily basis to our local food bank. All I ask in return is a couple of bushels here and there to feed my still.
You are a good man Butch to go dumpster diving to help the needy :D

PS.... Scott, I passed the orange fingernail polish idea past my 11yo grand daughter... shot down on all counts:(... Go figure:eek:.
You are a crazy man :rolleyes:



New member

L245DT FEL, JD450 Track loader, 5' scrape blade&mower, 5x10 trailer, Dump truck
Apr 22, 2009
Stockbridge, Ga. USA
I am back just been tied up.... will explain later....

I'm so glad you were'nt tied up on account of the orange fingernail polish. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Just can't understand the rejection from an 11 yo; I thought they were into "different". :D :D :D

Does this mean your wife don't think your tractor is sexy???


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Ahhhh..... it ain't quite dumpster diving. What I did was approach the produce manager and asked him what he did with the fruit pulled from the shelves the night before. That's when he said it went to the dumpster.

Right now I save him a trip to the dumpster. I pick up the fruit at 7:30 AM and me and the food bank people go through it to remove the not so good stuff.

I usually get two large boxes of assorted apples, a box of oranges, and a half box of tangelos each morning. So far we have had top throw ZERO away.

I am probably one of the most picky people you'll meet when it comes to the food I eat and guys I have to tell you what I am getting is good stuff.

As a matter of note.... dumpster diving. I have been known to delve:cool: into a dumpster or two whe I see contractors and the like throw away:eek: good material.:D


New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
Ahhhh..... it ain't quite dumpster diving. What I did was approach the produce manager and asked him what he did with the fruit pulled from the shelves the night before. That's when he said it went to the dumpster.

Right now I save him a trip to the dumpster. I pick up the fruit at 7:30 AM and me and the food bank people go through it to remove the not so good stuff.

I usually get two large boxes of assorted apples, a box of oranges, and a half box of tangelos each morning. So far we have had top throw ZERO away.

I am probably one of the most picky people you'll meet when it comes to the food I eat and guys I have to tell you what I am getting is good stuff.

As a matter of note.... dumpster diving. I have been known to delve:cool: into a dumpster or two whe I see contractors and the like throw away:eek: good material.:D
Your note makes me proud of you 2 times - first for helping those in need and second that you are rescuing precious material from the salvage bin.

My daily routine at work is to take a stroll by the metal salvage bins the facility maintenance toss the scrap into. Buddy, I have pulled some serious metal out of there and at times have needed to use the forklift to get the stuff out.

Take care,