I've fiddled around with trying to solder and / or 'braze' lead alloy battery connectors and had miserable-to-failed results. I think the terminal connector is so dirty with acid residue, grease, oil, soil, glycol residue, and who knows what else that it just wouldn't ever work.
Best deal in your case would be to buy a HEAVY---prevent future problems by staying away from small-diameter lightweight cable(s)---duty new cable and hook it up in place of the old. Be certain to clean the chassis connector bolt if ground-side.
There are on the market some brass-bronze-copper trucking industry (seen 'em used occasionally as replacements on big stationary engines as backups to air starters) battery terminal connectors made with a 'hole' the stripped-cleaned-fluxxed cable end is inserted into and then soldered into place. Comparatively expensive, hard to find, and overkill for most of our applications. Neighbor kid uses them for his aux battery powering his stereo rig---still just noise to me.
Stay away from the inland marine market quick-disconnect connectors using bolts to clamp the cable to the connector and wingnut(s) holding the connector to the battery terminal. Wiggle loose and develop corrosion.
Please post back your experiences so we may all learn.