skeets Well-known member Equipment BX 2360 /B2601 Oct 2, 2009 14,741 3,653 113 SW Pa Feb 20, 2018 #21 I think your right about being balls bearings,, they look about the size you would find on a piece of earth moving equipment maybe a smallish dragline
I think your right about being balls bearings,, they look about the size you would find on a piece of earth moving equipment maybe a smallish dragline
pendoreille Member Lifetime Member Equipment B2620, fel, RB1560, Piranha Tooth Bar Jan 2, 2015 476 13 18 Newport, WA Feb 20, 2018 #22 Steelies! Shooters. Guess that dates me. Do kids play marbles on the grade school playgrounds anymore, hmm wonder if there is a marbles app?
Steelies! Shooters. Guess that dates me. Do kids play marbles on the grade school playgrounds anymore, hmm wonder if there is a marbles app?
skeets Well-known member Equipment BX 2360 /B2601 Oct 2, 2009 14,741 3,653 113 SW Pa Feb 20, 2018 #23 MY GAWD,, a kid walks in to school with a pocket full of marbles and says to his buddy man have I got some nice shooters.....
MY GAWD,, a kid walks in to school with a pocket full of marbles and says to his buddy man have I got some nice shooters.....
B bxray Member Equipment Bx25d Dec 1, 2014 712 3 18 Cleveland, ohio Feb 20, 2018 #24 Well marbles would be considered weapons at a school today! Get you expelled! Ray
A anthonyv Member Equipment BX24 BX2200 Jan 24, 2017 122 19 18 SC Feb 20, 2018 #25 Has anyone thought old school? Pin Ball machine?
m32825 Member Lifetime Member Equipment L3800HST Jul 12, 2013 210 17 18 Central FL Feb 21, 2018 #26 Jerry Clower, Steel Marbles:
D D2Cat Well-known member Lifetime Member Equipment L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240 Mar 27, 2014 14,050 6,006 113 40 miles south of Kansas City Feb 21, 2018 #27 Never have seen a pin ball machine with 1 1/2" diameter ball, but then I not a pin ball expert. Would be a huge machine!
Never have seen a pin ball machine with 1 1/2" diameter ball, but then I not a pin ball expert. Would be a huge machine!
A anthonyv Member Equipment BX24 BX2200 Jan 24, 2017 122 19 18 SC Feb 21, 2018 #28 Sorry from your pic with the ruler looked closer to 1in at first glance. But your right it would be one hell of a plunger to pull if they were.
Sorry from your pic with the ruler looked closer to 1in at first glance. But your right it would be one hell of a plunger to pull if they were.
Kubota Newbie Active member Equipment M4500, New Idea Cut-Ditioner, JD 14T Baler, IH "Plow Chief" plows, Oliver Rake Dec 28, 2010 533 81 28 Mount Vernon, Ohio Feb 21, 2018 #29 If you have a neighbor with a Farmall tractor with the early disc brakes you can give'em to them to keep on the parts shelf. They'll eventually need them. They used balls that size in the eccentrics for the brake plates.
If you have a neighbor with a Farmall tractor with the early disc brakes you can give'em to them to keep on the parts shelf. They'll eventually need them. They used balls that size in the eccentrics for the brake plates.
bearbait Well-known member Lifetime Member Equipment L3560, 64" snowblower, 72" back blade Dec 9, 2011 4,095 871 113 New Glasgow Canada Feb 21, 2018 #30
J JimmytheGeek New member Equipment B7200E Mar 12, 2016 21 0 0 Franklin, KY Feb 24, 2018 #31 When I lived at home, my neighbor, also a machinist, had a few of them laying around. He said they were used in a locomotive. Sent from my LG-H931 using Tapatalk
When I lived at home, my neighbor, also a machinist, had a few of them laying around. He said they were used in a locomotive. Sent from my LG-H931 using Tapatalk
CaveCreekRay Well-known member Lifetime Member Equipment L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler Jul 11, 2014 2,631 104 48 Cave Creek, AZ Feb 24, 2018 #32 Sure would extend the life of your curb feelers.
sdk1968 Active member Lifetime Member Equipment B2601HSD & CK4010HST 4WD/FEL Oct 19, 2016 929 44 28 Ohio Feb 24, 2018 #33 dont know if you found the exact source or not... trains have huge ball bearings.. pulverizers in the coal plants use them too. but ive got several from the chemical plant when we did some demo, that were 2" in diameter.. they were check valve balls! funny enough got my buddy one of those new pocket hammer slingshots & have been buying 3/8" ball bearings by the bags full ever since.
dont know if you found the exact source or not... trains have huge ball bearings.. pulverizers in the coal plants use them too. but ive got several from the chemical plant when we did some demo, that were 2" in diameter.. they were check valve balls! funny enough got my buddy one of those new pocket hammer slingshots & have been buying 3/8" ball bearings by the bags full ever since.