Back up camera questions

69 SS


2015 L3901 HST,with Canopy,LA 525 FEL with SSQA bucket
Sep 26, 2015
Ft. Inn sc
Hello all, Got my feelings hurt, bought new EA 6900 HD PHD, 1100.00,finally got around to hooking up to Big Orange. Dug 3 holes ,left Big Orange in yard went in house took leftover pain meds, still hurting. Flashback 2 yrs ago ,rear ended, 4months out of work, plates and screws in neck. Cant turn head far enough to watch PHD do job. Tractor has factory canopy and frame. Did search thing ,not a lot of info that I can use. Looking for real world experiences from others who have put back up camera on tractor. Plan on front mirror/monitor screen at forward end of canopy frame w camera mounted up under rear of canopy on ROPS bar. Would like to hear from others who have done similar. Starting from scratch so any info about anything to do with this will be much appreciated. Have all other implements QH adapted so I just get lined up ,back up till thump thump noise and dont look back, Works for me. Other option is FEL mounted PHD S*&#, $$$. So if you can help me out with any tips, experience, knowledge, please reply. Thanks in advance and good luck on all your projects.


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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
I can’t imagine any rear-view mirror OR camera is going to be anything but a waste of time and money as for helping in any way with a PHD. It ain’t a “back up and thump thump” with a PHD....No QH works with them.... and positioning for accurate placement of a PH isn’t going to happen without turning around and looking or getting off/on/off/on/etc.

FEL PHD might work.
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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Looking for real world experiences from others who have put back up camera on tractor. Plan on front mirror/monitor screen at forward end of canopy frame w camera mounted up under rear of canopy on ROPS bar..
69SS - now I have NOT hooked this up to a tractor - I HAVE hooked it up to my truck to back up and hook up my trailers. VERY easy and straight forward. On a tractor is should be even easier.

Mount the screen where EVER works for you - and the camera might be the hard part. That being a "good angle" to see how the auger is being used.

I used a camera something like this - other than when in a shadow is cast over it works perfectly for my situation.

Russell King

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L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
You may want to get a couple of cameras to mount one to see back and another that looks down.

I have no idea if there would be interference between two but I imagine that some research could figure that out


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BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
..since only the PHD is a pain in the neck, literally....have to ask how many posts need to be installed ? Did you consider hiring someone to do them ? The older I get (68+) the less I can easily turn around,less I can pickup(missin 2 discs) so I pay young kid to do the 'heavies'.
If you have LOTS of posts to do and still want to 'do-it-yourself', I'd invest in a SSQA mtd PHD,in the long run, cheaper than meds and lost time.


Well-known member

Dec 25, 2018
Troy, Ohio
I have a camera mounted up high on my cab and monitor up front just above line of sight for snow removal duties.
Works good for what it is. If I had to totally rely on the camera its like driving looking just over the hood, can't see much past the blade. That's where my mirrors come in.
For a stationary PHD, a single camera should easily allow you to hit your mark left to right. Not sure how well it would do with the front-back so the auger hangs plumb. Just my 2cents.


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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
Wow...I'll tell you what. Thinking about this over the last couple days once in a while, hard to give an answer. BUT these cameras are not that expensive, almost cheap these days, so why not try one and see how it works for you?

It is true, one camera might not give the depth perception needed to get vertical position good, from front to back, but maybe it could be good enough.

Glad I can still turn around without issues and see directly.
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Nov 14, 2020
Merritt Island, Florida
Wow...I'll tell you what. Thinking about this over the last couple days once in a while, hard to give an answer. BUT these cameras are not that expensive, almost cheap these days, so why not try one and see how it works for you?

It is true, one camera might not give the depth perception needed to get vertical position good, from front to back, but maybe it could be good enough.

Glad I can still turn around without issues and see directly.
If you decide to go this way, make sure that you buy a hardwired camera, not wireless. You would need an extra power source for the camera if going wireless and additionally you will get interference from everything.

69 SS


2015 L3901 HST,with Canopy,LA 525 FEL with SSQA bucket
Sep 26, 2015
Ft. Inn sc
Thanks to all who were so kind to reply. 64 yrs old nowhere near the man I used to be. Looked at camera kits on ebay Amazon under 100.00 , going to try one just to see how it will work ,hard enough just to quick look back when hooking up with QH. Will be posting about this in future. Thanks to all and good luck on your projects.


Well-known member

Dec 25, 2018
Troy, Ohio
Thanks to all who were so kind to reply. 64 yrs old nowhere near the man I used to be. Looked at camera kits on ebay Amazon under 100.00 , going to try one just to see how it will work ,hard enough just to quick look back when hooking up with QH. Will be posting about this in future. Thanks to all and good luck on your projects.
Look for a monitor that will accept a second camera or a package deal with 2 cameras. BTW, my camera is hard wired and paid around $50 Amazon a couple yrs ago. Good luck

69 SS


2015 L3901 HST,with Canopy,LA 525 FEL with SSQA bucket
Sep 26, 2015
Ft. Inn sc
Under 200.00 dual 2 cameras with 7 inch monitor feature on monitor split screen or just use 1 camera for whole screen display,complete package with all cables ,wiring 2 cameras, monitor. Lots of posiitive reviews from folks doing the RV trailering thing. Crawled on Big Orange and looked backwards, 1 camera on left hand side of ROPS, 1 dead center,can see point on PHD. Technology, nothing like modern cheap stuff. Will keep posted,ordered and on the way. BTW got new Pallet Forks yesterday, put on this am,already got warning from Chief Financial Officer, AKA as my wife, not about money but no forklift operators license, and dragging Forks through yard,don't you hate it when that happens 🙄. That's all for now. Thanks to all who replied, good luck on your projects.
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M7060, 8' 3008 BushHog and fairly long list of older implements
Anybody have a "best" or preferred solution for where and how to mount the monitor(s) and the backup camera in/on the cab of a M7060? I'm thinking the forward-looking camera could or should be mounted center front just above the windshield and under the cab's overhang. The setup I have on my NH3930 has its camera mounted on the rock deflector between the ROPS vertical posts and I can tilt it down to see hookup and up to see what my pulled implement is doing. Am I going to be able to preserve the look down/lookup without getting off the tractor and finding a ladder ability and not get too much reflection off the rear window to get a usable picture if I mount the look back camera inside the cab?