B8200 hydraulic filter problem


New member

Jan 20, 2018
I have an old B8200 manual shift with front loader. A few weeks ago the loader and rear hydraulics slowed and became useless. The transmission oil was very dirty so I changed this and cleaned the mesh filter (this is the only filter). On starting the hydraulics worked well for about 10 mins and then slowed and started jerking.
I took the filter out and cleaned it again (even though it appeared clean) and replaced clean oil.....again the hydraulics worked well for about 10 mins and then slowed and started jerking.
I then cleaned the filter again and replaced the seals around the filter mounting and checked for any leaks in the pipe work between the transmission and the hydraulic pump. Again the hydraulics worked for just 10 mins.

The loader and rear 3 point will raise slowly and jerk. Descending is smooth.

I am using UTTO 10w 30 to Kubota standard

I have two theories.

1.0. Something is wrong with the mesh filter and oil is unable to flow through it even when cleaned.

2.0. There is an issue with the pump.

I am thinking it is more likely to be a filter issue as the hydraulics worked ok for a short while after each clean of the filter?

Can anyone help me?


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Mar 21, 2014
Guin, AL
:) Welcome to the OTT forum race. Glad you joined and you came to the right place to get answers.

It could be the pump and it just takes that long for the heat buildup to affect it?


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M7040, Nuffield 465
Oct 6, 2012
Williamstown Ontario Canada
I have an old B8200 manual shift with front loader. A few weeks ago the loader and rear hydraulics slowed and became useless. The transmission oil was very dirty so I changed this and cleaned the mesh filter (this is the only filter). On starting the hydraulics worked well for about 10 mins and then slowed and started jerking.
I took the filter out and cleaned it again (even though it appeared clean) and replaced clean oil.....again the hydraulics worked well for about 10 mins and then slowed and started jerking.
I then cleaned the filter again and replaced the seals around the filter mounting and checked for any leaks in the pipe work between the transmission and the hydraulic pump. Again the hydraulics worked for just 10 mins.

The loader and rear 3 point will raise slowly and jerk. Descending is smooth.

I am using UTTO 10w 30 to Kubota standard

I have two theories.

1.0. Something is wrong with the mesh filter and oil is unable to flow through it even when cleaned.

2.0. There is an issue with the pump.

I am thinking it is more likely to be a filter issue as the hydraulics worked ok for a short while after each clean of the filter?

Can anyone help me?
Just throwing a couple of ideas at you.

Relief valve allowing too much oil out when it thins.

Transmission vent frozen or plugged and a vacuum develops as you extend cylinders and remove some oil from the transmission.

You could rig a temporary oil supply to the pump which does not involve a filter but does use new oil in a clean container. If effect you would be bypassing the area where you suspect is the problem.

You connect the new temporary supply only when the poor performance arises so as to not pump too much fluid into the transmission.

I dont know the details of the hydraulic line's connection to your pump but often there is a banjo fitting at least on the suction side. Regardless, a local hydraulics shop should be able to provide a temporary banjo or other fitting to connect the temp. oil supply directly into the pump.

I don't think a pressure gauge would tell you much as the symptoms are already doing that.



New member

Jan 20, 2018
Thanks for your responses.
However, I may have solved this myself. This morning I drained down the transmission yet again and ripped the old mesh filter apart. The filter comprises 3 layers of mesh; two slightly coarser meshes sandwiching a finer layer of mesh. When I peeled back the outer layer of mesh, the finer inner layer was almost completely blocked with debris. No amount of cleaning would have cleared this inner layer. It is now pretty obvious as to the source of my issues (I hope). New filter ordered.....


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L4740-3 Cab, FEL, Fnt Snow Blower L2185, LP Finish Mower, LP Rotary Mower
Mar 3, 2017
Glad to see you have very likely found the root cause of your problem and the photo goes s long way in quantifying the severity of obstruction.

Report back the performance changes when you finish up the project.


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M7040, Nuffield 465
Oct 6, 2012
Williamstown Ontario Canada
Here is a photo of the inner filter mesh!
No doubt your problem cause.

You might consider adding an external filter on the return line from your fel valve to help keep things clean.

Often it is brake crud producing the contaminants but not certain where a B8200's brakes are located.



New member

Jan 20, 2018
I bought the tractor recently. I am guessing that it still had the original filter and that’s around 35 years worth of crud in the photo!
Everything is now very well flushed through with oil and I don’t use the tractor a lot so the new filter should last me quite a while.


New member

Jan 20, 2018
All fixed. New filter mesh acquired and fitted. Oil topped up.

Hydraulics now feel fast and smooth......much better than at any time in my short ownership.....I guess the problem has been building for some while.

Thanks for all the advice, much appreciated.

Russell King

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L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
You may want to order an extra one so you don’t have to clean it out during the next fluid change. Slip clean one in and clean dirty one at your leisure (in my case the day before I need it clean!)

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