I have a B7800 that was blowing the 5 Amp fuse labeled "Key Off", it started bowing when I lowered the front bucket with a sharp bouncing movement, before I could verify what was causing the fuse to blow, it began blowing when we would simply start to move the tractor forwards or backwards. It got to the point where I could replace the fuse start the engine and as soon as I tried to move it backwards the fuse would blow again as soon as it started to move. In desperation to get it out of my driveway, I did what I knew I shouldn't have done and I wrapped a tiny wire around the fuse hoping to keep the engine running at least long enough to back it out of my driveway five feet, instead of blowing the fuse this time, I blew/damaged something else. Now the fuse appears to be fine but I am getting no power to the dash lights or key, it is acting exactly the same as it was before when only the 5 amp fuse had been blown. (The problem is that now the 5 amp fuse is fine, and it is something else that is preventing the key and dash panel from getting any power or lights). I tracked the wire from the 5 amp fuse into what looks like a solid state resistor or what the wiring diagram calls a "Controller", Part Number: K3511-55222. I am wondering if this controller can be tested to find out if I damaged it when I shorted out the 5 amp fuse with the wire. If it can be tested which wires do I test and what am I looking for when I test them? I am also wondering what else might have been able to cause the 5 amp fuse to blow every time I tried to move the tractor. I have read that there are two diodes somewhere in the safety switch circuit of this tractor located somewhere between the HST pedal and the clutch switch that could cause the 5 amp fuse to be blown if they are not working correctly. I have not been able to locate the "Clutch Switch" anywhere on my tractor does anyone know where it is located and what it looks like? Also could anyone tell me where I could find these diodes and how to test them so I can determine if it was one of these diodes that was causing the 5 amp fuse to be blown in the first place. Anything else that I may have missed that could have caused the 5 amp fuse to be blown every time I tried to move the tractor as well as any instructions on how to test them to verify that it was part of or all of the problem will be appreciated.
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