B7200 HST PTO clutch


New member

B7200 HST, RC60-72H
Apr 6, 2009
Van Alstyne,Texas
I have a B7200 HST that the PTO clutch does not seem to release. When I try to engage the belly mower it grinds. I can get it into gear but I don't want to grind the gears. I start the tractor now with the PTO engaged. I tried to adjust the clutch but when I do the clutch makes bad noises so I know it is being pushed too far. The clutch plate may be stuck to the fly wheel but it is hard to tell on the HST. With the engine running I can press the clutch and the mower blades seem to stop which sounds like the clutch is releasing.
Would a warped clutch plate cause this? What can I do to repair this short of splitting. Help!


New member

Jul 26, 2009
Birmingham, AL
This is a live independent clutch right? Then first set the freeplay on the power transmission clutch first then set the PTO clutch per work shop manual, If you are absolutely sure the pressure plate fingers are releaving the pressure on the clutch face than one of two things.... the face of the PTO clutch is indeed 'stuck' to he flywheel face and the transmission will have to be seperated from the engine or the splines are rusted and the only way I have ever seen any success is powered graphite and compressed air to blow the rust off the splines between the double clutches. After freeing the splines the graphite will disipate with time and heat action of the clutch slippage. Do not use any pentetrating fluids that will destroy the clutch linings. :)


New member

B7200 HST, RC60-72H
Apr 6, 2009
Van Alstyne,Texas
I have been mowing for the last three days and have tried several things to determine the actual problem. And I have decided that the pressure plate is bad for I can push the clutch pedal down so far toward the end of it's travel it makes a growling noise. Then and only then will the mower blades slow down and the clutch release. I will start to build a holding jig and an "A" frame for a hoist next week. I hope to be better prepared for this than I was for a Ford 1710 (done with two hoists and rolling on an uneven dirt floor). Working on a Hydrostatic tractor is new to me. I may be writing for more info. Thank you for your answer. I did not want to split this machine but that's life. Thank you again!