B7200 HST 1986 Model year help


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Nov 7, 2016
I recently added 100 pound forklifts to my loader bucket. I was attempting to lift a crate with a 250 pound rototiller on it. I could only lift the crate to about chest height when my Hydraulics appeared to be maxed out. I have a Woods loader bucket that per Woods can lift 500 pounds to full height. I am going to conduct a hydraulic pressure test tomorrow. I have no leaks, and thought my Hydraulics were working fine until I tried lifting the rototiller. I have read several posts where people are saying I can't adjust the hydraulic pressure relief valve if it shows it needs to be adjusted after testing. I found an allen head screw on my hydraulic control lever . I am wondering if that can be adjusted also help. However mine is just a allen head with no locking nut on it. My question is where in the heck is my pressure relief valve? I found a lever under my seat however, it appears to be only for the speed of the 3-point arms up and down. I will post a couple pictures of what I have. Can someone please point out my pressure relief valve near the pump, or on the hydraulic controls. Thank you in advance.

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Re: B700 HST 1986 Model year help

When you add 100# and extend that from the front of your bucket, then attempt to pick something up you are losing a large percentage of your lift capacity.

I bet you don't carry your groceries from your car into your home with your arms extended full length out in front of you!! That's what you're doing to your tractor!

Maybe you're just overloading your little machine.

North Idaho Wolfman

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The Allen plug you are pointing to has nothing to do with adjusting the relief pressure.

#1: Does it have 2 or 3 hoses (besides the 4 hoses for the loader) that feed and return fluid from the loader valve to the tractor?

If there is 2 then there is no relief valve on the loader valve.
If there is 3 then the relief valve will be on the top of the valve (same place as where the control rods and spool valves go in and out.)

If there is not a relief valve on the loader then the main valve on the tractor does the job, and it is inside the 3 point control valve, and requires disassembly to adjust.

I will caution you in the fact that it's an old tractor with tired week seals, raising the pressure beyond what it is now can blow seals or even the pump.

Quick test: put 500lbs in the bucket if it lifts it it's working as designed.
As D2Cat stated, when you move the weight out that far you loose a ton of lift capability, the fact that it raised it to chest height tells me you just maxed out the system.


New member
Nov 7, 2016
There are three hoses on the bottom of my controls in addition to the other 4. With that said what will the relief valve look like? Am I looking for an allen head screw inside of a nut? When I get home tonight I will try to post a pictures from different angles. Also, I just looked at my email I received from a technician at Woods. The lift capacity is actually 585 pounds on that loader . Thank you...

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There are three hoses on the bottom of my controls in addition to the other 4. With that said what will the relief valve look like? Am I looking for an allen head screw inside of a nut? When I get home tonight I will try to post a pictures from different angles. Also, I just looked at my email I received from a technician at Woods. The lift capacity is actually 585 pounds on that loader . Thank you...

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ive got a 7200 hst.... just a few years newer.. that lift capacity is at the point.. not out on the end of a set of forks.

theres a lot of complicated math that you dont have to do to let you know that if your out on the end of those forks you have a way diminished lifting capacity from the 585lbs.

100lbs of forks off the capacity.. + 250lbs off for the tiller... + 50lbs for the pallet.... your already at about 400lbs without even taking into count the distance away.... at or really close to full capacity.
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New member
Nov 7, 2016

Correction this is a view from the bottom of my controls. There is only an in and an in-and-out.

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Nov 7, 2016
On the side that has two hoses there it is a stamp in the head above each hose. One stamp above one hose reads in one stamp above the other reads out.

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New member
Nov 7, 2016

So I installed my pressure valve. I am getting a very consistent 1400 PSI when maxed out and all positions and at every RPM. I still cannot find the pressure relief valve area. I have one dealer telling me it is in the controls for the loader. I have another dealer telling me it is in the rear of the tractor. Both dealers told me that I can and should be getting closer to 1900 PSI. Above I posted several pictures of the areas where I think it is at. Can someone with a B7200 or actual knowledge of where the pressure relief valve is at please help, thanks.

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Nov 7, 2016

So I believe I finally found where the adjustment needs to be made. I went to kubota's very user-friendly website. The purple areas highlighted I believe is where I need to add shims. I guess now my question is has anyone actually done this, and when I open up that cover what am I going to expect? Thank you in advance...

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Nov 7, 2016

Well, here is the inside of the relief valve housing. I backed out the large hex head on the right to get at the relief valve. There was a small spring that was in an indentation on the back side of the hex head and a bullet shaped circular piece of metal that also had an indentation on it. Diagram shows there's supposed to be a shim in there but there was none. So basically the spring was held in place by the two "female" ends of the hex head and the bullet shaped circular piece of metal. I put everything back together after adding a few shims and only raised my PSI 100 PSI. I put almost 7 millimeters of shims in there. Now I am wondering if the issue is why spring is too old and weak. I am going to try and find a replacement spring that will provide a little more resistance and see if that is the issue.

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North Idaho Wolfman

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Sandpoint, ID
That is NOT the relief valve, take it apart and remove the shims.

The relief valve is under the adjustable plug with the slotted head.

You shimmed the poppet valve in red, the relief valve is in Yellow, and the drop speed adjustment is in Blue.




New member
Nov 7, 2016
Thanks wolfman... all this is past my pay grade. Taking to dealer on Monday. Will report back with findings to possibly help someone else in future. ..

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