B7200 clutch question


New member

B7200, tiller, loader, rake
Mar 10, 2012
Westford, ma
Clutch will slip when tractor is put under load in "high" gear

I will then put it in low gear and will be able to move

Can anybody advise on how to diagnose if this can be fix by adjustment or will it need a clutch job

Thanks for any advice


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Does the clutch pedal have any free travel when you first atert to push it in?

When you say it slips in high gear, does it move at all or is it only in low?


New member

B7200, tiller, loader, rake
Mar 10, 2012
Westford, ma
The tractor will travel in Hi as usual unless I start going up an incline.

There is some clutch petal play; maybe not enough?

Looking through the manual (attached diagram) there seems to be only one adjustment option. Lengthen or shorten the rod. Any suggestions?



New member

B7200, tiller, loader, rake
Mar 10, 2012
Westford, ma
I would guess the hours to split this unit in half then re-join will drive the cost of a job like this well beyond what is in the tractor fund considering my 2nd child will be in college come this Sept.

Can anyone point to good reference material I could follow without causing to much damage?

I have a work shop manual, parts lists with assy diagrams, and found a couple of threads on this forum. All combined has enough material to make me dangerous to my tractor.


New member

Dec 1, 2011
NE Ohio
I don't think you're going to find better reference material than the WSM and some of the threads around here. Just take your time and think about what you're going to do before you do it. Most importantly make sure the engine is disabled (take out the glow plugs) and that both halves of the machine are well supported. If you get stuck ask (with pictures!).

A few pointers. Once the halves and supported and unbolted it may not want to come apart. I had to drop my sling a bit and let gravity break it loose, I then finished the job with a big screw driver.

You should be replacing the clutch disc and throw out bearing no question, should probably replace the pressure plate springs, and should be examining or measuring the pressure plate and flywheel for unusual wear and cracks. A good straight edge (carpenters square, level, ect) helps check for flatness.

When you're ready to reassemble you need to recenter the clutch disc before the halves will mate. They make tools for it but those cost money so here's the way I cheated. I bolted the pressure plate lightly to flywheel so the clutch disc could still move fairly easily and used the wiggle room that provided to get bolt the halves together. Then through the service panel in the bell housing I tightened the pressure plate bolts. One a time I removed each bolt, applied red loktite and torqued it down to the recommended spec. I actually resplit my tractor to do the last step but it's not necessary. Adjust the linkage and once satisfied put everything back together.