B7100D Trans/Diff Assembly


New member

Kubota B7100D
Dec 12, 2016
salt lake, ut
Just had the trans gone thru on B7100D, 4WD standard drive, and I am in the process of putting the Diff and Trans back together. there is a metal shim/thrust washer that came out as I split the assembly 3 months ago. I am now putting it back together and I don't see how or where this 2 inch flat spacer washer goes... I looks to be absolutely critical for whatever it is meant for. I have been to the local Kubota dealership, who rebuilt the trans, and they are at a loss...

here are 3 images... in the first i am holding the suspect washer/spacer..
it IS the RIGHT DIAMETER for the shaft shown in image 3, but the trans case is not machined in such a way that the washer would go against the differential case.


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