B7100 Radiator Question



B7100 HST with FEL,Tiller,Rotary Mower and Box grader
Feb 19, 2009
Columbus, Ohio,USA

I performed some normal maintenance on my B7100 HST today, Oil Change, Fuel and Air filters. Also, I changed the radiator cap. After I finished, I started the tractor up and drove it down the driveway (200 ft) and back to the garage. When, I shut it off, I noticed antifreeze running out the overflow/whistle port at the bottom of the tractor on the floor. I did topped off the fluid in the radiator before putting the new cap on. This tractor does not have a over flow tank. Is this normal for it to discharge a puddle of antifreeze on the floor just after warming up the engine for a short period?

Also, while I am asking, how do I adjust the fan belt on a B7100? The belt seems to have some play, I would say a good inch when I press down, even though the water pump and generator seem to be turning fine. There looks like a tension pulley on the side by the oil filter. Do I have to loosen the pulley before turning the bolt that looks like a tension bolt?



New member

Kubota B3200 Ferguson T020
Oct 9, 2012
Bloomfield IN USA
I'm not familiar with the tension mechanism for the belt on a 7100.

As far as the antifreeze, it was probably already full then you "topped" it off which in fact caused an overfull situation when the tractor was warm. Since you don't have an expansion tank the excess antifreeze has to go somewhere.


New member

B7001 - looks orange to me... Woods 5' scrape, 42" rotary cutter, shreader/chip.
Feb 11, 2011
Varnell,GA - USA
The belt tensioner is a pain to get to with the side shields on.
When I put in my new radiator on the B7001 a year or so ago, it is a captive slider idler pulley. You have to loosen a nut then adjust a bolt behind the pulley.
It is WAY easier to do with the side shields off, but even then it is a pain.
There are downloadable manuals on the net, I think it is like kabotabooks.com or something like that.
Do a search on this site, that is where I found the link. They even had a manual for the B7001 in french and luckily I speak french so it was great! The B7001 manual was way more in depth than the English B7100 manual that they also had.


Active member

2009 B3200, 2007 Dodge/Cummins powered Ram 2500 395hp
May 17, 2012
Usually with having no over flow tank, you leave about 1 to 1.5 inches empty at the top of the radiator for expansion when the coolant heats up.
If yours is an early B7100 without a water pump then you need to run less than 50/50 mixture of antifreeze for proper flow.