B7100 extra, What is it?


New member
Apr 25, 2010
Roaring River, NC
I am new to the forum.

I recently bought a B7100 (or B7001 not sure which) for parts and it has this thing sticking out where the shifter cover should be. What is is? The tractor currently has part of a trencher on the rear and a blade on the front.

After taking a look at the tractor, I think i will try to get it running and see how it does. Currently the injection pump is not working. I put a new fuel filter on it and bled the line up to the injection pump and nothing comes out of the no. 1 injection line. I am going to pull the injection pump as soon as I get a chance.

Anyway, what is this?

Take Care,


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
I had a 7100 and believe me I have no freaking clue as to what that apparatus is for.... :confused:

Yo Vic! Any idea what it is?:rolleyes:


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
Welcome to the forum. It does look like a hydro pump that you can put in and out of gear. That round thing under the seat with the hyd hose coming out of it was for aux hydraulics on I think it was my B6000. ???????? lots of questions very few answers. Some one will know, give it a bit of time. Keep us posted and some more pics of the hydraulics would be interesting.:D Dusty


New member

B7100dt and b6001
Feb 17, 2009
Northwoods, WI
All right, here you go. I have one on my b7100 that is very similar. It is a creeper gear. Shifting is the same as with a b7100dt, except if you pull straight back between 1st and 2nd in either high or low, you can get into the exceptionally slow creeping speed. I think you will also find that the additional lever on the right side is for fast or slow creeping.

Mine has come in very handy for tilling, but it was originally meant for use with the trencher in which you have attached. Every once in awhile I see one of these, but not very often. It is right from the factory and not an aftermarket addition.


New member

B6100D, FEL
Apr 3, 2010
yorkshire, uk
All right, here you go. I have one on my b7100 that is very similar. It is a creeper gear. Shifting is the same as with a b7100dt, except if you pull straight back between 1st and 2nd in either high or low, you can get into the exceptionally slow creeping speed. I think you will also find that the additional lever on the right side is for fast or slow creeping.

Mine has come in very handy for tilling, but it was originally meant for use with the trencher in which you have attached. Every once in awhile I see one of these, but not very often. It is right from the factory and not an aftermarket addition.
Hi Lucky,
that would make sense but what are the hydraulic hoses for?



New member

B7100dt and b6001
Feb 17, 2009
Northwoods, WI
O.K. I'm not an expert, but here is my guess. Both of the hoses are in a way attached to the aux. hydraulics. Both of them allow hydraulic fluid to flow over the top of the gears in the creaper since they are not all submerged (due to the height of the creeper attachment). The second hose is attached to the normal output for the aux hydraulics. Thus, not allowing someone to use the aux hydraulics and bypass sending hydraulic oil onto the creeper gear.

Probably the best way to explain it is with a picture showing where the hoses are attached. I'll see if I can get that in the near future. I'm sure there are alot of guys on here who could explain it much better.


New member

B6100D, FEL
Apr 3, 2010
yorkshire, uk
O.K. I'm not an expert, but here is my guess. Both of the hoses are in a way attached to the aux. hydraulics. Both of them allow hydraulic fluid to flow over the top of the gears in the creaper since they are not all submerged (due to the height of the creeper attachment). The second hose is attached to the normal output for the aux hydraulics. Thus, not allowing someone to use the aux hydraulics and bypass sending hydraulic oil onto the creeper gear.

Probably the best way to explain it is with a picture showing where the hoses are attached. I'll see if I can get that in the near future. I'm sure there are alot of guys on here who could explain it much better.
no need, I'm with you - they are for lubrication :)


New member
Apr 25, 2010
Roaring River, NC
Thanks to all who replied. Well, I finally got it to crank. The injection pump was bad. Luckily I had another one on a spare engine.

Now the bad news..... It seems to be stuck in the creeper gear. I can shift in and out of one gear, and shift the lever on the creeper gear box up and down. Which makes it go from a faster gear to a lower gear. But I have no other gears. The shifter seems to only go from neutral to one gear, straight back from the center. I think I will pull the shifter and gear box off next and see what is the problem under there.

Take Care,


New member
Apr 25, 2010
Roaring River, NC
Just a update. If you happen to see one of these without a shifter boot (as in the pictures above) Get the owner to spend the $4 for a new one. I took the creeper gear and shifter apart today. The shifter was rusted stuck. The center rail would work, but the other two and the plate that keeps you from shifting into two gears at once (I don't know what its called) was rusty. Got it fixed and back together Now everything works fine. When I drained the transmission the other day, I only got about a half a pint of water out. So I thought I was ok with not much water in the fluid. I was wrong:(

Thanks again to everyone who replied.

Take Care,


New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
I would run the tractor some more to get it hot then while it's still warm dump the fluid again. Don't wait until it's cooled off overnight, the moisture that's still in there will condensate again.

Glad to hear you got that creepy thing working again :D