Re: Backhoe rebuild
When I began the rebuild process on the swing cylinders, I found a problem caused by a less than stellar design. The cylinders are single acting, meaning they only have hydraulic fluid on one side of the piston. The outboard end (ram end) of the cylinder has a hole in the end cap, which allows air to be expelled from in front of the piston as the ram extends. Great. The problem comes when the ram is pushed back in as the opposing cylinder extends.... the vent hole becomes a vacuum cleaner, sucking up any dirt or water in the area. In addition, there are no seals or wipers on the ram, so the ram & cylinders were very dirty and rusty. This vent was nearly plugged with crud, but when cleaned, measured .201 diameter. I hunted for suitable hardware to correct this problem, and came up with a suitable wiper seal for the ram, but had to fabricate the parts for the vent solution.
First, I tapped the hole in the end cap for a 5/16-24 thread. Then I pushed the bearing back .120, and pressed in the new wiper seal.