B6100 Leaking Fuel


New member

Kubota B6100 4wd
Dec 18, 2010
Rochester, NY,United States
I have a B6100 that i got a good deal on, but it needed some tlc and works great now. The only problem is it leaks fuel where the 3 ports come out of the injector pump, and a little where the injectors go into the cylinders.
I am not too concered about the small fuel leaking around the injectors(its a 30yr old tractor) but the fuel leaking around the ports from the pump is enough to create a small puddle on the garage floor. (which im getting sick of cleaning up)

There is no lack in performance or anything else, but i was wondering if this leak could cause any unseen damage, and how do i fix this problem(there must be gaskets that need to be replaced right?) And lastly if i was to take it apart how hard is it to crack the lines to the cylinders to bleed out any air that would enter the system.

Any help on the matter would be much appreciated.

Eric McCarthy

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Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Yeah I'd say check into a gasket kit or worse comes to worse might have to replace the pump. As far as cracking the injectors take two line flair nut wrenches and crack em open. One wrench will hold the bottom of the injector still and the second wrech you twist the top open where the metal tube comes in and has the flair nut on. Pretty simply!


New member

Nov 12, 2010
Melbourne Australia
A word of warning, don't pull the injector pump apart unless you know what your doing! A friend of mine had fuel leaking from the pump throttle and shut off levers, (massey tractor) so he got a O ring and gasket kit and pulled it apart. He's still finding bits and pieces on the shed floor and wondering where they go!