B6000 PTO shaft

cappys tractor


B6000 and Husqvarna mower (hey, it's orange too!)
Jan 18, 2010
Cape Cod, Ma
Hello all: I just found this forum from one of the kind souls on "mytractorforum.com'
Anyway, I have a B6000. Awesome little workhorse! In the interest of self preservation I bought and installed the ROPS bar. All is good thought I!

When I went to reinstall the factory tiller, it wont fit! The Special adapter bracket needed to bolt on the ROPS is about 1/2" too narrow to slide the tiller mounting flange onto the PTO shaft.

So unless I remove the whole ROPS bar/bracket I cant use my tiller :-(

Has anyone seen this, found a workable solution?

I have thought of using a piece of plate and making a "new" mounting base for the tiller. The issue is finding a 25mmx18 spline shaft to make an extension for the PTO. Does anyone know where to buy a 12" piece of 25mmx18spline shaft? all i really need is about 2" (to weld to a hub city pto adapter) An old PTO shaft would work, and just cut off the end of the shaft.

Anyone got an old B6000 they are parting out?

Any other ideas?

Thanks, John



Oct 28, 2009
Danbury, Ct USA
I installed a hub city pto reverser on my B6000 and had to replace the 5th shaft. I am not sure if that is what you want but I still have the one that was removed.

cappys tractor


B6000 and Husqvarna mower (hey, it's orange too!)
Jan 18, 2010
Cape Cod, Ma
well, if it has 18 splines, that would be the one! If you have it, yes i would be interested!
OOC, did you buy yours off craigslist last year? I saw one on there from middle CT. Just wondering.
On second thought, if you bought the reverser from hub city, you must have had this for some time, hub city doesn't make the reverse's anymore!
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New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
Hi cappy, any chance you could post a few pics. It would give us a better idea of what you are trying to do. I have general idea of what you are trying to do, but the devil is in the details.:D:D Keep us posted. Dusty

cappys tractor


B6000 and Husqvarna mower (hey, it's orange too!)
Jan 18, 2010
Cape Cod, Ma
Here is a pic of the ROPS bracket, and showing how the base is too large to allow the tiller to fit to the gear box.

here is the tiller face plate, and showing where the axel (for lack of a better word) is that hits the bracket.

And this is what the inside of the rops gear case looks like

And there you see the whole reason these B6000's are so pesky. that 25 MM 18 PTO spline shaft!!
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New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
Thanks for the pics. That makes it pretty clear what you are up against. I don't think that tiller needs the pto reverser. If it was me I would modify the ROPS so it was out of the way. But there are a lot of people who would not be comfortable modifying the rops. Was the pto adapter on the tractor when you bought it. Good luck and keep us posted.:D Dusty

cappys tractor


B6000 and Husqvarna mower (hey, it's orange too!)
Jan 18, 2010
Cape Cod, Ma
the easiest way i can think of is to unbolt the rops, and reinstall it one set of holes higher. that way the tiller can fit. however i think the rops would lose strength by being attatched by only 4 bolts (instead of 6 like the directions said) but this would make the top link not be able to lower all the way down when using a 3P tool.
the tiller does not need a reverser, this is an original backwards turning one. this issue has only come up since i installed the rops. the rops bracket is the problem, issue and the dilemma.

one last ditch effort i came up with was to cut off a semi circle of steel on the rops bracket, so the tiller can slide in, but i am not sure how much i can cut, without effecting the strength of the bracket, and its function and safety performance.

the sad thing is: i have actually rolled the dinosaur over once. I NEED the rops! I have subsequently learned the technique of keeping the bucket LOW to the ground when in inclines and while turning on slopes :) I really dont want to 'disable' the rops in any way, or make it weaker. I totally understand why these are necessary.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
Hi Cappy. Ya like I said a lot of people don't like to modify the ROPS. I tend to overkill for strength when I build stuff so it does not bother me. Plus I am a tad nuts to start with.:D Dusty