B6000 engine overhaul/rebuilding help req.


Lifetime Member

B6000DT / B7100DP /B8200DT/L225/Globe PTO Chipper/Lewis Backhoe/huxley TR66
Nov 22, 2009
Leafy England....
hi guys, i'm looking into do an engine rebuild on the b6000 and could use some help to be honest.
I'm not too bad at mechanical things, rebuild and restored my ducati 955 race bike a few years back with great success also several of my classic cars etc but never delved into the mysterious world of diesels until now, quite happy using them but havent had any real need to tinker beyond that point.
I'm aquiring a set of pistons/ring gaskets etc etc all new, i've just done the glow plugs and picked up a recond set of injectors.
so then how difficult is it going to be then, or is it really easy .

any help on the subject would be great.



New member

L245DT FEL, JD450 Track loader, 5' scrape blade&mower, 5x10 trailer, Dump truck
Apr 22, 2009
Stockbridge, Ga. USA
If I remember right that engine was built with both designs of dry or wet liners. Working with the liners can be easy or hard. Dry is a pain to do yourself and usually left to a machine shop. Wet is not bad to do youself. If you are running new rings I would recommend new cylinder walls to run them on unless you are sure that there is no wear or pitting in the old cyls.

The half shells that hold the crank in are a little tight to work with. They come out with the crank inside them, then unbolt them to get to the crank bearings. Be sure to get them lined up right with the oiler holes.

Most diesel engines have pin bushings on the connecting rods. If this engine needs a build then be sure to check the rod pin bushings to keep the pistons from rocking.

Mark the flywheel before you take it loose from the crank because it can go on in ANY position. If it is not lined up with the crank then the injection timing marks and TDC will be off. :( Painting a hole to mark the flywheel and crank is one way to do it.

Check the head well for cracks! These things that were made with no water pump and use water only for cooling have a tendency to get cracked. :mad:

Best of luck and keep us posted on the progress.