B3300SU Hydraulic Questions


New member

B3300su TLB
Dec 28, 2012
Central Mass
Hi Everyone,
I am new to Kubotas and have been reading this forum every night....About one month ago i bought a 2010 B3300su with FEL and Bh77 backhoe. Tractor has about 200hrs. First thing i did was go through the whole tractor....Replaced all hydro filters, cleaned the screen, refilled with sudt2. Changed engine oil and filter, changed front axle fluid with synthetic 75-90, flushed radiator and new anti-freeze. Greased everything...had about three mounting pins that wouldnt take grease so pulled them drilled the crap out of the holes and reinstalled.
So now with the weather alittle warmer i have been using the tractor to get use to it before i start using it for my construction business. My questions are mainly with the backhoe.

I run it about 1800-2000rpm and it seems to dig ok in virgin ground. I notice that i cant raise the boom and pull the dipper in at the same time...it seems like one cancels out the other...but they do move together slowly.Bucket curl seems to have alot of power. Dipper in maybe alittle less than the bucket curl. But side swing seems to be the weakest where only can sweep the very top of the pile. It doesnt take much to completely stop the swing.

Other things like digging up rocks...I cant believe the size of a rock i can dig out of the ground...one had to be 32" in diameter.
Also the hydro transmission does have that whine that i am not use to...hard to tell if it is normal...I dont have anything to compare it to. Everything works with no problems that i have found yet.
Another question i have been moving the gear selector in the neutral position when operating the backhoe, so i can move the tractor forward or back at the backhoe...is this the correct way?
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Well-known member

Kubota LX2610TLB/Woods finish mower/woods rotary cutter/
Aug 23, 2012
catlettsburg, ky
The B3300 is basically the same as my B3200 tlb.
First off, I would raise the operating rpm's to 2100-2200 for more operating speed on the backhoe. I think it is normal on the boom and dipper stick overriding each other. You just have to work the controls together to get the boom and dipper stick to do what you want them to, as you have already found out.
I always keep the gear/range selector in gear and in 4wheel drive when on a slope. If you are on an incline and not paying attention when you raise the backhoe supports, and the fel bucket is off the ground, you may go for a wild ride. I have first hand knowledge on this.:eek: You only have brakes on the rear axle.
Good luck with your B3300. The bh77 is a stout backhoe.;)


New member

B3300su TLB
Dec 28, 2012
Central Mass
Thanks beckmurph
I will go up alittle more on the rpms and keep the tractor in gear...dont want to go for an unexpected ride.
Over all the tractor seems like a nice machine. All i have to compare it to was the Yanmar YM1500d that i had for 5 years...big difference in the Kubota


Aug 23, 2012
Northport Maine
I am glad to hear the good report on the BH77 on the B3300su. I bought one a month or so ago and stupidly did not get one with it. I will buy a hoe this spring. I don't think backhoes in general are designed to move much material side to side like that, I am sure that is normal. I have run quite a few bigger machines and they did not either. The hydro on mine does whine some too, I am only at 7 hours. I think that is normal.. Other then that do you have any complaints or things I should watch out for on mine?


New member

B3300su TLB
Dec 28, 2012
Central Mass
Only thing i would keep an eye on is the front axle seals ...at the pivot point where the hubs are. My right one was leaking just a little so i changed out to synthetic 75-90. It hasnt leaked a drop yet.
Two things on mine that i will fix is...that plastic cap(cover) on top of the fender rattles like crazy...sounds like something else is coming apart.
The other is the exhaust dumps out onto the loader frame and soots up that spot. I will look into installing an elbow to deflect it some.
Yeah...i know it isnt a big machine...I just want to think it is.


Aug 23, 2012
Northport Maine
Yeah, what is that plastic cover? what goes there? I assume it must be for a option... maybe remote hyd valves... but yeah, that cover rattles like hell. I took mine off and put a small bead of black silicone around the perimeter and let it dry, then reinstalled it. All better. I would like to see what you do on your exhaust- I was planning on doing the same, it makes the loader pretty nasty.