B2920 with R4 tires - do I need chains for snow?


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MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
I've had my 2013 B2920 for a few years now - but primarily used it as a mowing tractor.

This year, I'd like to move some snow with it. It has the LA364 front loader and I have a 6' rear blade which can pull or push.

First off, how will this tractor generally do in terms of plowing snow on paved areas such as a driveway? Does it have enough weight to move snow?

Next, how will the R4 tires do? Should I put chains on? Just the rears? Where do I buy snow chains for this tractor?

How well will the tractor start in the winter? I live in NH, definitely see plenty of snow and cold temps that reach below zero from time to time.

I've never started it in the winter - normally just sits in the garage.


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2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
I use a B2920 with turf tires to plow snow. I have a loader mounted 6-1/2' Fisher snowplow and use tire chains. I also have a rear blade for extra weight and pulling snow away from the garage doors. You can plow without them but if your driveway is on any slope or if it is wet snow, you will be happier with a set of chains. I run them as my driveway is steep. You can get some at most dealerships or call B&B Chain at Chappell Tractor in Milford, NH. Also www.tirechains.com is a good source. If you don't have a block heater on your tractor you might want to consider adding one to plug it in to warm up the engine when it is cold out for easier starting. I plug mine in when below 25 for a while to make it start easier, but it will start just using the glow plugs. I have had no problems starting it.
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Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
I use a B2920 with turf tires to plow snow. I have a loader mounted 6-1/2' Fisher snowplow and use tire chains. You can plow without them but if your driveway is on any slope or if it is wet snow, you will be happier with a set of chains. I run them as my driveway is steep. You can get some at most dealerships or call B&B Chain at Chappell Tractor in Milford, NH. Also www.tirechains.com is a good source. If you don't have a block heater on your tractor you might want to consider adding one to plug it in to warm up the engine when it is cold out for easier starting. I plug mine in when below 25 for a while to make it start easier, but it will start just using the glow plugs. I have had no problems starting it.
That's great info, thanks...even from a fellow New Hampshire-ite!

Do you only use chains on the rear?

How well does the tractor do pushing a foot of snow with your setup? I'm up in the Lebanon area. Mine does not have a block heater, I was thinking about getting one...I think around $50.


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
get a circulating heater works MUCH better than a block heater available in different wattages take it from one who has winters near -40
It might, but I think the block heater will be sufficient. The coldest we see here is probably -15F and that would be relatively infrequent.

My diesel pickup says the block heater is only required starting at -10F but I generally plug it in around 0F (and will the tractor) just to help prevent additional engine wear.


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Lifetime Member

2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
You will find most people will tell you not to put chains on the front of tractors this size, but I run them on all 4 wheels to keep the front end from sliding around. Just be careful not to abuse it by spinning the tires a lot or you could potentially damage the front end.


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015

Thanks for posting the info and the pics. That power angle blade on the back sure is nice! I have a standard manual angle blade - 7'. Good to know regarding the chains. Was that snow from this year?


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B2620, RTV-X1100C
Jan 21, 2014
No, last winter troverman. Only heavy frost here so far. They are calling for snow Sunday.
The pic you see of my son with the blade on....that was during a warm spell and it got slushy, so we scraped the base down. That was a mistake because it made it a smooth pure ice skating rink you couldn't walk on. But I was still able to push the next snow falls on it with the loader and snow blower without chains.


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
Well, I plowed today. Only about 4" of snow; used a 7' rear drag blade which is probably too big for the tractor. It did great!

Now granted, when we get a foot of snow, I'll probably have to turn the blade around and do all pushing...but for now, suitable impressed!



2000 Kubota B2710, Woods BH75 backhoe, LandPride York Rake, B2783 Snow Blower
Jan 1, 2016
Rindge, NH
Did not see this post until now. I think it is close to my B2710 and I have R4 tires on my tractor and it does great in the snow. I used the FEL alone for years and recently bought the front snow blower for it. I think you will be fine without chains. The only time I kinda got stuck was going downhill with over 2 feet of snow. I had to kind of dig my way forward until I hit the road which was cleared by the town plow truck. I opened up the bottom of the drive and then was able to get back up the driveway. If there was any type of freezing rain I usually had to put some ice melt down on the hill to be able to go up and down it. My two cents...


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BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
Why not? It would seem maximum traction could be had that way.
In 4wd - the idea is that all the wheels can "bite" but.....

when on mud or gravel or snow/ice - you want those tires and the 4wd drive to do IT"S job. BUT somewhere along that line one of those tires is being drug or is slipping somewhere, it has too!

Now you would not want to use 4wd on asphalt - cause all the tires would bite and bite hard.

WITH chains on front, you risk the pressure on the drivetrain, and the not the weak tire spinning a bit.

But like BAP said - if you are careful - you can do it, just remember that the tire(s) need a weak spot, and that weak spot is spinning, not binding the tranny!;)


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
Yeah, I'm not too terribly worried about getting fully stuck since you can usually work the bucket enough to get you free again.

I will update later this winter after some decent snowfall as to how it really does, but I think it is going to be fine.


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2013 - BX25D
Apr 7, 2016
Northwest PA
Well I got my first chance to plow some snow this morning with my BX25D.

We had about 8-10" over night.

No issues with traction in my gravel driveway.

Out on the icy blacktop road in front of my house was a different story, I was spinning a bit.

I think I'm going to put the chains on the rear...


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
In 4wd - the idea is that all the wheels can "bite" but.....

when on mud or gravel or snow/ice - you want those tires and the 4wd drive to do IT"S job. BUT somewhere along that line one of those tires is being drug or is slipping somewhere, it has too!

Now you would not want to use 4wd on asphalt - cause all the tires would bite and bite hard.

WITH chains on front, you risk the pressure on the drivetrain, and the not the weak tire spinning a bit.

But like BAP said - if you are careful - you can do it, just remember that the tire(s) need a weak spot, and that weak spot is spinning, not binding the tranny!;)
I'm very familiar with how 4x4 works, having been an avid off-road driver for years. These tractors have an open front diff, and a lockable (but normally open) rear diff. So yes, you wouldn't want to use 4x4 on dry pavement. But in deep snow, with perhaps a hard or icy base, having chains on all 4 wheels I don't think strains the drivetrain any more than just on the rears. The open diffs allow the side with less traction to slip, chains or not. The front and rear are locked 50-50...so no slippage from the rear is moving forward. The goal is to not be spinning anyway. Because it is so easy, I frequently change to 2WD when making sharp turns anyway...helps to turn. I use 4x4 when pushing or dragging.

I plowed again, another small storm, and once again, I'm impressed with the combination of 7-foot drag blade and this little B2920.


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2013 - BX25D
Apr 7, 2016
Northwest PA
We have been getting hit pretty good here in NW Pa.

We have had around 20" already.

While the BX and R4's did decent without chains, putting them on the rears worked much better out on the black top.

My road is 35mph, but people routinely hit 55mp.

When out in the road cleaning up the end of my driveway, I feel a hell of a lot better / safer with the chains on the rear.

The bx is a tank pushing the 5' blade....

My only complaint is the lift height....I'm thinking a mod might be in order if this snowfall pace keeps up I'm going to need a little more lift for stacking....lol.


Well-known member

MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
I plowed 8" of heavy snow yesterday. The 7' drag blade loaded with snow after about 50 feet overwhelms the weight of the tractor and skids it sideways. However, pushing the snow with it works like a charm. On ice, I spin out. I think I might buy rear chains.

Nevertheless, this thing is really effective at moving snow.