B2920 replacement


Well-known member

multiple and various
Apr 15, 2018
Ok, I'll try this one last time...the B2920 and the B2650 both use the very same engine (D1305). The B2920 generates more HP because of the increased rpm that it's allowed to run (2800 rpm vs 2500 rpm in the B2650).

Having said that, you'd be giving up some hp (at least 2hp difference at PTO) to run your flail with the B2650. As you mentioned before (and others above), you are already struggling with hp as it is. So, maybe its just not a good fit for your application.

The only reason why I mentioned the B2650 was that it was pretty close on HP to what you already have and would likely accept your current belly mower. I wasn't trying to sell you on one. :eek:

The B3350 would likely be a good fit, but it would seem that they come with some fairly common dpf issues (especially for northerners). I recall seeing some on this forum that experienced no issues at all with this model, but I'm not sure of their use/case or where they were located (north/south).

I hope you can find what you're looking for. Best of luck.
That was likely me.

I bought a new B3350 in May or June.

My pre purchase research convinced me that the regen issues with the early ones has been resolved and I've had no issues. I'll let you folks know when/if I do.

I'm near Cincinnati.



Well-known member

Jul 17, 2017
In this thread http://www.orangetractortalks.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37655 I did a comparison table of all the smaller Kubota tractors at 23-26HP, up to and including the L2501. My takeaway was that the L2501 would only really make sense as compared to a B2650 if:

  • you have an application that really needs weight/traction (e.g. plowing)
  • you really want a gear drive rather than hydrostatic
  • you can get a L2501 for much cheaper than a B2650 (not sure if that's true or not)

They have very similar lift capacities, the L2501 has a bit less power. The only wild card is the rumour that the L2501 might make a bit more power than is claimed, and it is definitely a much bigger engine running a lot lower revs - so it would probably be a lot more durable.

If it were me I'd go with the B2650 or B3350 and belly mower. The B2601 is also a good machine, the loader and 3ph lift capacities are less, but if you're only mowing then that probably makes no difference to you. Same HP from a smaller engine at higher revs, but Kubota stuff is durable, and sounds like you're not planning to keep it for 30 years, so not sure that's a real problem. A little lighter machine (B2601) would use a little less power climbing hills, maybe that'd compensate for the power drop over your current 29HP. Also, of course, some of your 29 horses may have escaped since your current tractor was new - maybe it's only making 26 by now anyway.


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Lifetime Member

2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
Troverman, I sent you a PM.