Punched a hole in my radiator - any good videos on step by step removal? I wanted to see if I could use JB Weld if the hole isn't too big... Is there a simple way to pull just the radiator?
Thanks, found the WSM and I'll give it a try myself before taking to a shop. I'm an hour away from a shop and if the hole is too big for a simple fix I'll just use a professional to repair or bite the bullet and buy a new radiator.In my experience JB Weld does not work on radiators(the expansion/contraction). Back when I worked in a radiator shop, we work just eliminate that row, but on that small of a radiator I would not recommend it. Do you have the WSM for your tractor? Otherwise here is a link for a LX2610(kinda close). https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uJtkd_6wzrhP_uyIplpSad_OnoEA7UHt/view?usp=sharing