Got my new B2620 tractor last week and would like to pick up a box blade for it sometime before spring. I know it will handle 48" without any issue but wondering if a 60" or 54" would be a better fit
thanks for the feedback guysI say you should be alright with a 54" box. I have a B6100 thats 2wd and pull a 48" King Kutter box and sometimes it feels like its enough often times I feel like I can handle more. For you I'd split the difference in size and get the 54"
Gearmore has one that is 445lbs. That 150lbs per foot is an ideal weight and normally considered for 6' and wider implements . The smaller width implements just don't need to be built as strong and so that heavier weight per foot is much harder to get to. I think that anything under 5' in width, 100lbs per foot of width is a good number to shoot for.Kubota owner's manuals usually have a table that lists the maximum recommended size and weight for various attachments. For my B2320, the max recommended box blade is 54" and 375#. That said, a B2620 should easily handle that, and probably can handle a 60", possibly larger.
One thing I have noticed, trying to find a blade that matches, or even comes close to matching both those specs is near impossible. They're either a lot lighter, which means they may not "dig" as well, or they're much heavier. Not sure why the weight limit from Kubota, as heavier is supposed to be better for a box blade, but I'm guessing it has something to do with available traction when the blade is full.
On other forums, I have seen recommendations that a box blade needs to weight 150# per foot. I have yet to find one anywhere that comes close to this. That means a 4' blade should weigh 600#. The heaviest I have seen is a Frontier (John Deere) that was 385#. I'm actually considering that as it comes close to the max weight recommended, and being only 4' should dig better. ( I know, box blades aren't really digging tools, but the scraping action should be better with more weight on a smaller area.)