B2150 power steering box problems


New member
Jul 27, 2017
Traralgon, Victoria, Australia
Visually the two steering boxes look slightly different externally. The seal part number that I've fitted is 66363-41140. I will go and see my local kubota dealer tomorrow and see if I can get a look at the WSM for the B2150, fingers crossed he will be happy to help.

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M7040, Nuffield 465
Oct 6, 2012
Williamstown Ontario Canada
Visually the two steering boxes look slightly different externally. The seal part number that I've fitted is 66363-41140. I will go and see my local kubota dealer tomorrow and see if I can get a look at the WSM for the B2150, fingers crossed he will be happy to help.

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100td has made a great observation with the illustration he found.

The seal you have been having trouble with is being put in backwards. The numbers etc on the seal should be in not out. The seal is only to keep dust, water etc out of the steering box and also relieve any leaks. The U seal behind it is what you need to replace.

Dave M7040

100 td

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B21TLB (B21, TL421 & BT751) Toyota SDK4 T116 Bobcat
Aug 29, 2015
I think the main thing is that the dust seal you have is fine, it's the internal HP seal you have problems with, whether it just the seal, or a worn or flogged bearing or relief causing it etc, you'll need to dismantle/rebuild to find out.
Edit: Beat me to it Dave!


Well-known member
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M7040, Nuffield 465
Oct 6, 2012
Williamstown Ontario Canada
I think the replacement of the U seal may be fairly easy.

It looks like the sector shaft should slide back away from the steering arm by removing the cap opposite the steering arm. It is worth a try but I would just pull if back enough to see the U seal. Just in case things start coming out of their proper place.

100td. When two or more get focused on a problem great things happen and we all learn!!

Dave M7040

100 td

Active member

B21TLB (B21, TL421 & BT751) Toyota SDK4 T116 Bobcat
Aug 29, 2015
When two or more get focused on a problem great things happen and we all learn!!
Dave M7040
That's the good thing about friendly co-operation on forums, and receiving different view points from many, (whether initially right or wrong) in the end, problems are usually solved and many learn.
One thing about the dust seal, I personally wouldn't be too concerned about the installation, it's easier to fit in the standard manner with the face out, fitting the other way (unless you are good at it or have an SST), can be prone to damage. It will still do it's job, as it's only a dust seal, and if oil bypasses the main seal as a weep, it should get out past the dust seal without blowing it out, if it is just a weep. If it's anything more, then you will need to go in and fix the underlying problem anyway. It is also needed to stop the ingress of dust/mud, and the installation the correct way may be more beneficial in reducing contamination, depending on your machines use and the operation of pressure cleaners! YMMV


Well-known member
Lifetime Member

M7040, Nuffield 465
Oct 6, 2012
Williamstown Ontario Canada
It is amazing how a forum like this unites people all round the world.

Recently I helped another guy from Australia with a Kubota B21

Keeping us posted is the best thanks for all too often these stories of problems have no last chapter as the owner gets his fix and never tells anyone what actually worked.

Dave M7040