When two or more get focused on a problem great things happen and we all learn!!
Dave M7040
That's the good thing about
friendly co-operation on forums, and receiving different view points from many, (whether initially right or wrong) in the end, problems are usually solved and many learn.
One thing about the dust seal,
I personally wouldn't be too concerned about the installation, it's easier to fit in the standard manner with the face out, fitting the other way (unless you are good at it or have an SST), can be prone to damage. It will still do it's job, as it's only a dust seal, and if oil bypasses the main seal as a weep, it should get out past the dust seal without blowing it out, if it is just a weep. If it's anything more, then you will need to go in and fix the underlying problem anyway. It is also needed to stop the ingress of dust/mud, and the installation the correct way may be more beneficial in reducing contamination, depending on your machines use and the operation of pressure cleaners! YMMV