B2150 dual clutch(?) adjust


New member

B7100D TL and B2150D TLB
Jun 5, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
My B2150 has been slipping the clutch. I didn't think it would be a huge deal, I've done it plenty of times with cars and trucks, but it's looking more and more like an expensive pain the behind and a LOT more trouble than expected. Over $500 in parts alone! So I wanted to do everything I could to make sure there is no life left in this one.

I was told previously that the dual clutch had an involved adjustment process, so I now have a scan of the service manual, but I'm still not sure I understand.

To begin with, the manual seems to indicate all 2150s are dual clutch. The single clutch section lists everything including B2150HST, BUT not B2150. The dual clutch section lists ONLY the B2150. Is this correct? Were all B2150 (non-HST) dual clutch? And the images (what I can make out) don't match up with what I have, so that further confuses things.

The images in the scan are not clear at all. Under "Clutch Pedal Traveling", it specified 16-17 mm between a bolt head and stop. What I can make out of the description and image only makes sense if the measurement is made with clutch pedal fully depressed, but that doesn't make sense to adjust a 16mm gap between the bolt and stop if it's already depressed. It seems completely pointless, which has to mean I'm missing something important.

And finally, there is a section for "clearance between plate 2 and adjusting screw". First off, how many are there? I can mark and go till I see the mark, but why wouldn't the manual specify things like that? And I bumped it till I finally saw one, and it looks like there is no gap when clutch is engaged, but a far oversized gap with clutch disengaged. But the manual doesn't say whether the adjustment is made with it engaged or not!

I know this is written for service departments, but this manual sure seems to leave out a lot of obvious points. Combined with bad images, it's not as much help as I had hoped. I bought an actual Kubota operators manual and it's just a reprint but with very legible line drawings. I wonder if the ~$150 service manual has clear images, or if it is just as bad. Anyone have one?


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
I know this won't help much if any at all but my L3000 has 3 adjustment screws on the clutch. And it's a real PIA to adjust.


New member

B7100D TL and B2150D TLB
Jun 5, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
Did you adjust it engaged, or disengaged? It seems that it pretty much has to be disengaged, but I'm not keen on assumptions, and the manual doesn't say.


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Lifetime Member

May 25, 2011
What Bulldog said! You adjust the clutch with it disengaged. I am unfamiler with your particular tractor. Mine has three adjustment bolts with lock nuts. I had to dissemble the sub-frame to the FEL to access the adjustment ports in the bell-housing to adjust the clutch. The adjustment bolts should have a square bottom end with the lock nut. Use one wrench on the squart end to keep it from moving and another to back off the lock nut. Count the number to quarter turns on the bolt so you can replicate it on the other 2 bolts. Don't forget to tighten the lock nut back up making sure that you do not also turn the bolt in the process. Don't be surprised if you have to do this several times to get the right clearance between the bolt head and the second stage pressure plate.

I "assume" the 16-17 mm between a bolt head and stop is the free play in the clutch peddle before you start to engage the first stage, This is adjusted using the linkage on the outside of the tractor. There is also three adjustment bolts inside between the through bearing and the release arms.

Just changed my two stage clutch. The adjustments on the clutch were not enough and had to have 3 new lift rods machined to make the clutch work properly.

I know, clear as mud.

Hope this is of some help.:)


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
What Olthumpa said is just like what my adjustment was like. Only difference is my subframe has a small inspection plate that can be removed to get to the adjustment bolts. Either way it's a PIA.