My backhoe attachment worked fine last fall when I took it off. I put it on this spring and it won't swing. It has juice going into and out of the solenoid. Any suggestions on what to try? Thanks
Swing? Do you mean it won't slew left to right or no functions work at all? Is it's (slew or swing?) controlled by the solenoid, or is it a changeover solenoid from another function. Either way if something is solenoid operated and it worked when put away, and there is juice (12 volts) going to the solenoid, I would suspect a sticky spool or plunger in the valve it is actuating.
When my BK-90 backhoe would not swing this spring when I started using it, I sprayed a lot of PB blaster all around the hydraulic valves and linkage to the control levers. The next day the backhoe functioned properly. Luckily that worked for me and it was a cheap fix. It's worth a try.
Good luck.....