B series Three Point Hitch compatibility


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
Hey dookanooka, You can try the pry bars but I think I would spray some penetrating oil in if you can get the top to lift at all. Then let it sit for an hour. And try it again. Lots of aluminum on these tractors and its not very forgiving when it comes to hard knocks. Good luck and maybe someone else will chime in here with a better idea.:D dusty


New member

Oct 25, 2009
Inside the piston cover, looking in the bore!

Well, I got another chance to look over the tractor. I left the penetrating oil in as you suggested Dusty-t and the cover came off with some force (for some reason I thought WD-40 or similar wouldn't go well here...). So, I syringed out some more burnt smelling and gunky oil that had I guess been sitting on the flat for long enough that there is a little surface rust on the top of the bore where the oil wasn't. Also, there's evidence of a ring of rust halfway up the bore where I presume the piston sat for a while. However, the piston looks to be right back in the chamber and I can't tell if it's stuck but at the bottom it doesn't look rusted. There's a little pitting in the underside of the piston cover, within the circle, and bits of light rust, but after cleaning it doesn't look as bad as in the pictures.

So, are we veering back to the pump here! Or, could this explain why the rockshaft won't turn at all anymore, perhaps the piston was in the middle, now it's gone down? Does it shed any light on the reason for no movement in the rockshaft 3PH?! Also, I don't suppose someone could explain the movement of the oil through here ordinarily.

Any thoughts much appreciated.

Tomorrow I will start her up again, run her for a few minutes and take a look inside that piston cover again to see if any oils made it in...although it looks like no new oil has made it there for quite a while.



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New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
Hey dookanooka, glad you got it apart. I was going to say something about the wd40 contaminating your hydraulic oil but I was also thinking by the time you are done with this little project, you will have to change it anyway. I am thinking that you should be able to move the piston by moving the rock shaft. It might not move easy but you should be able to move it. Do you have the arms for the rock shaft. If not it may be hard to get enough leverage to move the piston. There is only hydraulic pressure one way on the piston and I think the oil comes in from the top. I could be wrong on any number of things here , so take my advise with a certain amount of caution. Hope I have helped a little anyway. Keep us posted and pics lots of pics.:D dusty


New member

Oct 25, 2009
So, onto the next thing i'd like to check...has anyone removed the rear case? I'm following the thought that the piston is stuck at the bottom of its travel so need to get behind it. My rear case isn't wanting to budge. Surely it's not pressurised, so would it just be a matter of rust like the piston cover?

Would I need new packing should I do this? How would you remove the rear case?

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New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
Hi Dookanooka. I am afraid I can't be much help here other than just normal taking old stuff apart knoSledge. No I did not misspell. If you can see that it has a gasket, then I would loosen not remove all of the bolts about an 1/8 of an inch. Then use a wedge and a small ball peen and tap the wedge in a bit all around the plate. Or as much as you can reach of the plate. you may have to do this a couple or 3 times to loosen the plate. Patience is a virtue, The bolts stay in so the plate does'nt go smashing onto the floor. :D:D Good luck and keep us posted. dusty