Awesome dogs / Crazy pets Thread

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Post your off the wall pics you catch your pets doing. Gave the dogs s bath last night. And after changing my clothes, I went to grab my shirt but it wasn't where I left it. This is what I found :rolleyes:

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L3560, B2650, Gator, Ingersoll mower
Nov 14, 2014
Great pics! Daren do you think he felt so bummed he had to hide in your shirt after his bath?

North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
The antics around here are on going, makes life fun! :D

Wolves fishing in a friends koi pond.
Siberians walking backwards all over the house.
Toy miniature poodles howling like a wolf.

Oh and let more fun begin, our newbie
Stevie Ray Von
A 14 week old blind Siberian Husky
He's a rescue out of California.



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Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Sheepfarmer, he was actually being vindictive and drying himself off in my shirt :rolleyes: it just backfired on him and he got stuck. His fur retains so much water that you can't get him completely dry with two towels. You have to carry him out of the master bath and put him in the hall. If you don't, he makes a beeline to whoever's side of the bed that gave him the bath and he will flip and flop all over the bed trying to get himself dry :rolleyes:

Wolfman, wife and I fell in love with the neighbors Siberian husky. We would take one off your hands if you lived closer. Neighbors used to come over and help me with my yard work. Which usually consisted of her giving out a bark to let me know she was there. Then if I ignored her, she would start jabbering away at me with a combination of yips, and light howls and growls till I stopped what I was doing and got her belly :D we were heart broken when she got bone cancer and had to be put down :( She actually taught our jack russel to do it, and now he gets vocal when we don't get him his treat fast enough :rolleyes::D
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Yeah they are wonderful things to have around, I miss my beagle, but wont get another one, its almost like loosing a kid when they go, and Im to old to go through training another one. They say man is entitled to one good dog and one good woman in his life I've had 2 good dogs still wondering about where the woman is
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
skeets, maybe the woman was a dog?

Learn a lesson from your dog---no matter what life bring you, kick some grass over the s**t and move on.


New member

B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
Daren, that is hilarious!
Wolfman, your a good guy rescuing the dogs, they end up being the best ones!

This is my Olde English Bull Dog, she's a handful and a half but a great dog.

A word of advice from someone who would never want to see this happen again.....Spray your Dogs and Kids with tick repellent. Last summer I almost lost my Bully.... She came down with IMHA, which basically her white blood cells were killing all of her red blood cells, It was bad! After testing her a bunch of times they found she had 3 diseases from a tick that likely triggered the IMHA. It took 2 blood transfusions and 5 days in the doggy ICU at a specialty vet along with a crap load of meds. Her odds were against her but she's a tough pooch and pulled through. It's still an ongoing battle today but she has been stable with a high red blood cell count. Landed back in the vets a few times from complications from her meds but otherwise good as new. She's a 90lb beast and it almost killed her, I would never want to see that happen to a kid....

Skeets, you should look into rescuing an older dog from a shelter....they are past the puppy phase and will love you to death for saving them! We have a pitbull that is a rescue dog and she is the most loving dog I've ever owned. She thinks that she's a big kitten trapped in in a dogs body.

I wish pitbulls would stop ending up in the wrong hands that portray them as being an evil breed. It's not the dog, it's the owners. Seeing all the abuse they go through is absolutely disgusting. There should be an open season on animal abusers. Most scumbags that have these dogs can't take care of themselves, never mind a dog. That's why the shelters are filled with them :(
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Olde English you are so right one of the OLs daughters had a pittbull... I use to call her red dog cause she looked like the dog on the red dog beer can,,, Anyway she was the most loving most patient, most caring dog around kids I have ever seen. The babies would crawl all over her, pull her ears her lips tail and what ever they could grab and she would just lay there and give them a little nudge with her nose or a sloppy lick. The kids loved her and if one was sick she would get in to bed with them, and the kid would snuggle up to her with their arms around her neck and she wouldn't move till the kido woke up

Daren Todd

Well-known member
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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
OldeEnglish, your so right about the ticks. We treat ours year round here. Temps fluctuate so much. Our jack russel is allergic to fleas. So if we miss a treatment then it usually means a high vet bill.

Your absolutely right about the pit bulls. My old roommate had one and she was a teddy bear. Only thing was she would get jealous of any girl that came near me :rolleyes:. Would usually mean that the pit would park her butt on the girl sitting next to me and would lay her head in my lap :rolleyes:


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B7100D, MMM, B205 Dozer Blade, woods m48, b2910
Jul 13, 2014
Western, MA
Lil Foot, the doggles are awesome, we have them for our dogs too. They always catch a lot of attention when they wear them.

Pittbulls are great dogs, they will never let anyone/anything hurt you or your family. This is ours teaching the bully how to play tug of war when she was just a pup.

If the kids are playing across the yard she will sit near them always on the lookout for danger. She scans the entire perimeter and makes sure nothing will hurt the kiddies :).

Daren Todd

Well-known member
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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
We had a red nose that was a fawn color. Big girl for a pit though, at 75lbs.

Here's a couple more of the heathens

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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ

My guys are pure silliness. Both are rescues fro the Yuma shelter that has a 95% kill rate. Awesome dogs. Rudy is the terrier and is sweet but nowhere near as smart as his "sister." Sabine is way smarter but hard-headed. At least she avoided getting bit by a rattler last year, unlike Rudy. Thanks to the anti-venom vaccine, he was back to normal three days later, thanks to a dry bite. Rudy used to pound Sabine when she was small but now she is a tad bigger and way stronger than him. She still lets him chew on her at times while other times she will chest butt him, knocking him on his butt.

What fun.


North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
No shortage of pups here!
More of our gang, they are all rescues

Mika, Malamute, a whole lot of love there!

Taya, Timber wolf, Husky mix, A real love

Ellie, Red heeler, jealous monster!!!

Mia, Siberian Husky, Malamute mix, Sweet girl.

Remy, Toy miniature poodle, smart dude with his on a harem of girls!


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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Sleep time can be a little cramped some nights, and that's a Cal king bed :eek:

And what kind of Wolfman would I be without my a #1 girl.

Vixen, Timber wolf

Nobody gets my water bottle!


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
OH MAN,,,, these poor critters are all soooooo abused:rolleyes: ,,, LMAO