Are Landpride implements worth the extra money?



B2601 with FEL, Box Scraper, rotary mower, 3pt snowblower and Sovema Tiller
Sep 15, 2014
Hazelridge, Manitoba, Canada
I'm in the market for a few implements this spring. I'm looking at a tiller and posthole auger for starters. A Landpride RTR1250 is just over $3000 plus tax vs. other brands for $2000-$2500. Is it worth the extra $$$ or should I consider some of the lesser known brands to save a few bucks?



New member

May 27, 2014
Fremont Mi.
Always been a firm believer in you " get what you pay for " . But just like buying tools . Depends on how you use it and how often . Used lightly and not often , then cheap . Used hard and often , then buy better quality . Land pride is good stuff .



Kubota L3710 HST,L2230A QT,forks,Takeuchi TB125, 60" Luck Now pto Snowblower
Jan 6, 2014
East Hampton, CT
There are a lot of factors but KOJA said it well.

I have a cheap tractor supply 7' blade and landscape rake that I use behind my B9200. Even with turf tires and a "compact" tractor, I was able to bend both my blade and rake with normal use. Well, at least what I call normal use. I didn't bang into a tree or try to move a boulder with them, I just move piles of leaves, dirt, branches, grade driveway, etc. I don't even have loaded tires or wheel weights. You would think a decently built implement shouldn't be able to be bent by a small tractor, imagine if I put it behind something larger like my dad's L48!

On the other hand, I have had some Harbor Freight tools hold up quite well and last as long as I needed them to, for a fraction of the cost of a name brand. Their trailers last great as long as you assemble them properly and grease the bearings. I haven't broken their "trucker chain" with my tractor, and I've had some wrenches around for easily 10yrs of heavy use.

If you're a light duty homeowner, looking to save every penny, and have very sandy soil with few roots, rocks or other issues, then a discount unit might work great for you.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
I understand all regions (and individuals) are different when it comes to implements and availability.

I guess I'm just "tighter then bark on a tree"! I'm not willing to pay new price for something I need 5 hrs. a year.

Maybe I'm just fortunate when it come to finding tractors and implements. At any given time I could find 3pt blades, finish mowers, brush mowers, ect. for sale by others who are moving on for half price or much less then new.

I currently have a 3 PT post hole digger. It needs a seal. I've used it without replacing the seal, by putting some 80w-90 gear oil in to dig a couple of holes. I'll eventually replace the seal. Point is, I paid like $100 for this. I got a Kubota 48" tiller that I'm not going to tell what I paid for! I don't even have a garden, but it was a bargain.

In response to GEPM64, I mention this because you indicated you'd like to save a few bucks. I've got a Land Pride 6' and 7' rake. Both are quality products. Use B8200 with the 6' and Deutz 6206 with 7' and they function well. Paid less then 1/2 new price for them.

Shop used, save money, still have quality implements.


New member

L3830, IH695, Deere 4720Cab 3720Cab 4320 4200 450C 790, R Z and Jetstar Molines
Dec 1, 2014
I have a Landpride rear blade and it is really heavy and nice and has been used a lot. I also have a Landpride power rake that seems to have had the snot used out of it but is still working.

Most of the three point stuff is pretty tough and buying the stuff used seems to leave plenty of use remaining for me. That being said a used 3 point tiller seems hard to find.

I would look for quality used stuff and Landpride seems good.

All that having been said I have a King Cutter 6 foot tiller that has had a lot of good use. It has held up pretty well... although recently, I ended up welding it back together in several areas. I guess that has about 9 years of rocky use and was starting to shake itself apart. If I could find a nice used Land Pride I would upgrade and might avoid some of the repairs. I was still able to get king kutter parts for that tiller at the local TSC.

In my limited experience it seems in general, with these ground contacting implements, anything heavier in weight and duty works better.
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Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Land Pride isn't the only brand to consider but they have quality implements. From what I've seen personally a King Kutter tiller is hard to beat. Several people I know have KK tillers and have been very pleased with them.

Post hole diggers are different for everyone I guess. Are you going to dig a few holes and then never think about it again. Are you planning to build a new fence and need to dig 1000 holes. Is your ground soft, hard, rocky or what? To me all these things together will kind of tell you how much to spend on a digger. A few holes doesn't require a high dollar digger. Sure you may fight with it some but if it's not used much why spend the extra money. Now on the other hand if you are planning on using it often I would spend some extra and get a good one.


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Kubota M7040 4x4/ BX2230 4x4/ JD MX 8/ Ford 101 Moldboard 3 bottom Plows -
The reason I like Land Pride is how good they are built. But the best thing is they sell used at a higher price. In the long range you do get your extra money back when you sell. Some day you will sell!!!!



B2601 with FEL, Box Scraper, rotary mower, 3pt snowblower and Sovema Tiller
Sep 15, 2014
Hazelridge, Manitoba, Canada
I would give Everything Attachments a hard look . . . although I have not purchased from them, I have talked to them several time and they have been freaking AWESOME on the phone. I ~will~ be buying a box blade and a disc harrow from them this year.

Unfortunately they are in the US and with shipping and exchange, it would actually cost more then the Land Pride tillers.



bx2350d; Taylor Way 48" tiller; Farm King 50" snow blower
Apr 28, 2014
strawberry point, ia
I have a 48" taylor way tiller. They make or are made by King kutter. 5 year warranty and cheaper than LP. I believe you have to but the TV at an implement dealer. Very happy with mine. Start trolling at farm auctions. Get some good used equipment for cheap.



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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
I have a friend with a Land Pride back blade, but that's my only exposure to their products. It is fine, but I didn't think that it was above and beyond other quality blades, such as a Woods. Generalizing, before only looking for a brand, I would get versed in the specific implement, and find the best one, whichever, in your price range, that will serve your needs. I've found that any given manufacturer may have some great stuff, but not all that they offer is tops. So, you may find a tiller in one brand, and an auger in another, that suits you best.
For what it's worth, I have a King Kutter tiller (48"), which I use 8 or 10 times a year. It is above and beyond what I need, and I have $1400 in it, new.
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L 3200
Jul 26, 2012
Lawton, Ok
In a tiller I look for gear drive rather than chain drive. I also want a friction clutch in case I hit something hard or large.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
Lakeside Ca.
Most of the major implement manufacturers have several levels of implements. So as mentioned, because some that you might have seen were either good or bad does not indicate that everything with that brand name is the same. All things that a person needs to be aware of.

I happen to have a couple of the top of the line Land Pride implements, big money. Some of their cheaper stuff is just that, cheap stuff.


Jan 13, 2013
Clay Center, Kansas
Personally, I wouldn't go out and buy a brand new anything. There are so many people who do, then realize that they don't need an implement and sell it. I have been able to pick up many implements for half price, or less because of this. I bought a Landpride 54 inch box blade for $200.

If you are a business and use the implements everyday, then maybe my answer would be different.

Why did you buy a Kubota tractor? Generally speaking they are lower cost than John Deere, Mahindra, New Holland or any other type? Does that mean they are lower quality? or are John Deere's worth the extra money?

Just something to think about.


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Craigslist is a good place to browse used stuff but the actual quality of it can be... highly varied.

If you are not good at evaluating used equipment, then "new" is probably a money saver for you in the long run. If you have a buddy that is good at evaluating and will go along for a free beverage or two, that would also be a good way to look at used stuff.

I've liked my LP stuff so far, it seems well built.

Depending on what you are going to do with the tiller determines which you are going to buy. LP has the nice reverse direction tillers (several other companies do too) which are essentially single pass tillers. The forward direction tillers you can do single pass if you don't want a fine finish, or you can make multiple passes in which you trade diesel and time on unit and you for a less expensive tiller type.

So, there are a lot of factors to consider, and yes, being miserly is miserable when you actually have to spend money. Being thrifty and cautious is not the same as miserly. One, you are willing to get the best bang for buck, the other doesn't want to spend any money on anything. You have to decide which you are though...



B2601 with FEL, Box Scraper, rotary mower, 3pt snowblower and Sovema Tiller
Sep 15, 2014
Hazelridge, Manitoba, Canada
Why did you buy a Kubota tractor? Generally speaking they are lower cost than John Deere, Mahindra, New Holland or any other type? Does that mean they are lower quality? or are John Deere's worth the extra money?

Just something to think about.
You know it's funny that you ask that question. I actually wanted a John Deere and had a deal on one, but the one fact that you can't raise and curl the bucket at the same time made me wonder where else they cut corners. I then went to look at the Kubota and the rest is history. As for the implements, I have the $$$ to buy a new one, I just want to make sure I get the right one. I have looked at used ones and they are either beat up or cost too close to new. I looked at a 4 year old LP RTR 1050 and the savings were only $900 from new.

I looked at a Sovema tiller. Never heard of it and few dealers around here. It could save me about $500



Lifetime Member

Feb 2, 2015
I've looked at Landpride tillers and they seem well made. My dealer says they are. but he's recommending a Gearmore. I've never heard of them but the one I've seen looks like it's really heavy duty.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
Lakeside Ca.
Personally, I wouldn't go out and buy a brand new anything. There are so many people who do, then realize that they don't need an implement and sell it. I have been able to pick up many implements for half price, or less because of this. I bought a Landpride 54 inch box blade for $200.

If you are a business and use the implements everyday, then maybe my answer would be different.

Why did you buy a Kubota tractor? Generally speaking they are lower cost than John Deere, Mahindra, New Holland or any other type? Does that mean they are lower quality? or are John Deere's worth the extra money?

Just something to think about.
This depends on where your located and just what implement you are looking for. There are some implements that just never seem to show up used any where, so new is the only choice for some. ;)


Jan 13, 2013
Clay Center, Kansas
This depends on where your located and just what implement you are looking for. There are some implements that just never seem to show up used any where, so new is the only choice for some. ;)
This is very true. If you aren't in a hurry and don't mind looking or making an alert to let you know when someone posts something you are interested in, you can find good deals. I spent close to 9 months looking for a tiller. There were some that were cheap, but beat up and then there were some that were in good condition, but near new price. Then I found a few that I contacted too late and just missed them. But I was able to save $600 plus tax on a the tiller I was able to buy.



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BX2680, JD 40
Mar 23, 2014
Poplarville, Mississippi
As for the implements, I have the $$$ to buy a new one, I just want to make sure I get the right one.

I think you answered your own question with this statement. When I looked at implements to go with my new tractor I bought NEW 60" Woods medium duty finishing mower. Yeah, it was $3000 but it will outlast me and my use for it. I don't have time or inclination to rebuild or work on tools. Maintenance I don't mind. Go ahead and buy the brand new top end tools and spend your extra time fishing or hunting!