Arctic Cat...RIP


Well-known member

M7060, L3902 HST, Farm King PT740, HLA 2500 Snowpusher, LandPride RCR1872
Oct 14, 2023
Years ago a buddy of mine had a tiny Artic Cat Snowmobile for his kids. They loved it and it never stopped or broke. I think it was called a kitty cat. Surprised other companies didn't make something similar for kids to learn on and get hooked on the sport.
There has been. Yamaha still has a couple of kids machines for 2025.


Well-known member

M7060, L3902 HST, Farm King PT740, HLA 2500 Snowpusher, LandPride RCR1872
Oct 14, 2023
If you look that winch is on the front machine...a Can Am, LOL
LOL. Worst part of winching is stepping out of the vehicle to rig up. Never know if you will lose a boot in the mud!


Well-known member

M7060, Ford 5600, can-am defender
Nov 17, 2021
Ontario Canada
They all made kids sleds at some point. Mini z was the skidoo version and they also made a 120 Indy I I believe. A little bigger then the 50cc motors in the others.

If you look that winch is on the front machine...a Can Am, LOL
No matter the make you ain’t doing it right if you haven’t needed a winch or pull out. They all get stuck.
I think cf moto has come along way however I do know a few people that have had real bad experiences.


Well-known member

B2620, RTV-X1100C
Jan 21, 2014
They all made kids sleds at some point. Mini z was the skidoo version and they also made a 120 Indy I I believe. A little bigger then the 50cc motors in the others.

No matter the make you ain’t doing it right if you haven’t needed a winch or pull out. They all get stuck.
I think cf moto has come along way however I do know a few people that have had real bad experiences.
Well I had to try because the last good Polaris I ever had was my 2004 Sportsman 500 HO. And I hate the RZR's. They are loud and cook you inside.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
Have worked on a few CF Moto's.

Parts and service support are mostly nonexistent in this state.

Dealer support (tech support) is not good I'm told (by CF moto dealers)

CF moto doesn't have a great reputation here.

Often the CF dealers come and go with little warning, similar to the rest of the chincanese brands. Pop up today, sell 20-50 units and go away just that quickly.

I was a dealer for another brand many moons ago, sold those cheap chinese ATV's. They way they did it back then was to force you to buy from a distributor (and not the manufacturer like Polaris and such do). And you have to BUY (no terms) a minimum number, in our case 100 units. Truck showed up a week after the agreements were signed and approved, dropped up 100 chinese ATV's. Ok cool we'll sell all of them by end of year. Nope. Recall and they drug their feet on that deal (have to go through the "distributor" and not mfg'r) so we missed the christmas kids atv rush. Ok maybe next year. Sold a few in the late spring after the recall was done on all of the ones that needed recalls, about 35 of them as I recall. Still had a bunch to sit on all summer long, paying interest on the litle turds. Over half of the ones I sold came back for "warranty" repairs, of which we never got reinbursed for; so we just had to "eat" those costs. Remember, the distributor handles all this, NOT the manufacturer. Manufacturer sells to the distributor and washes their hands of them; it's then up to the distributor to handle warranty. If it's not cut and dried, and most of the time when it was cut and dried, they'd approve the warranty repair but never reimbursed us for it. By winter we were down to about 25 or so of them and made most of them go away, telling people they have no warranty. Had a few left after the first of the year which we were able to sell at cost just to get rid of the little pieces of trash. Distributor sure wanted us to buy another truck load but we quit dealing with them.

Then a couple years later another company shows up and says yall need to sell these scooters. Well that was a democratic presidential year, and gas prices went sky high and we couldn't get any Yamaha scooters (short supply) so why not, we knew the downfalls but on these all we had to do was sell 33 of them to pay for all 100, which we did pretty quickly but then gas started coming back down and we couldn't even give the rest of them away. Nobody wanted that junk and I do not blame anyone. Finally found some place out of Missery I mean Missouri that would buy the remainder of them at cost. They went away and we decided that we would never go through that stuff again.

There have been no less than 4 CF moto dealers come and go in this town of 60,000 in the last few years. One is still running but they are a multi-line dealer and CFmoto is just a secondary brand for them, give customers another option. Maybe they don't want to spend the money on decent stuff so they buy the chinese ones. CF moto kinda got their feet wet in the industry by COPYING KTM. That's what "they" do, copy everything when they can. I love the USA and greatly respect the US-based manufacturing companies, I have a hard time respecting companies that just copy.

I bought a Z-force 800 used, it was too cheap to pass up. Couldn't get any parts for it from the dealer, they ordered it but months would go by and, nothing. I finally started ordering online and that was faster. Very little support from the aftermarket. Ran hot in the cabin area. Didn't handle anywhere near as good as the Rzr 900 I had briefly at the same time, and nowhere near as good on the trails as my General XP. I dumped it like a hot rock at the first opportunity. Made $60 on it so I cant complain. New owner wants me to work on it but I told them NO.
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