Anyone sell their tractor services?

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
We're in the country with lots of tractors around. So Leo's and DOT don't mess with folks too bad around here.

The main time you see someone pulled over for an inspection is if they see something wrong with the load.

Either improperly tied down loads or a sketchy trailer. Most landscapers have large trailers with there equipment on the back, but pulled with 1/2 ton trucks decked out as rolling bill boards.

Most for hire stuff with tractors is done by someone you know. Getting a friend or coworker to come over and till your garden or Bush hog the field. Most of the time, stuff is done word of mouth and under the table.


Active member

L3901HST, B7100
May 8, 2017
North Pole Alaska
I learned my lesson the hard way. Don't do it. Yep I made some good quick money. But spent more in repairs. Up here we have hardpack snow in drveways and yards (after being driven and walked on all winter) This time of year we pop up the hard pack and clear off the snow $$$ to be made. I used my JD 3005 tractor. First I found stuff in the snow. Cost me two destroyed tires (one front one back) with massive lacerations to the sidewalls. Second I damaged the final drive in the front axle housing. $1200 in parts alone. Working your tractor around your own house you can mitigate hazards to you and your machine. At someone elses place you never know. That broken off tee post with 6" sticking up???? Oops missed that on the walk thru but the tractor won't. Learn from my mistakes. It won't cost you a dime.


Jun 30, 2015
kington, ohio
I don't have a minutes peace.. Every person or neighbor I know has a job for me. They all compensate me in different ways. My issue is not that it is work,I love it. It is a time issue. I work 5-, 11 to 13 hour days. Then try to help everyone. Sometimes I'm just plain tired or my wife has other plans. Or, the 50 plots at the grave yard, the apts I mow, the 4 house's I mow, the two gardens that supply the neighbors, or everything else in life takes up time. But, I love my seat time in the tractor.

As Willie said, If you lay down, you'll stay down. Keep moving boys......


New member

rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
In reading these comments, I ask what does your insurance cover? Acci8dently damaging something on other's property? Someone getting hurt with you nearby?
How about your truck having some damage possibly related to the business?

Sometimes the so called profit can get eaten up by unexpected things.