I bit the bullet and got the curtis cab, along with the HD blower. At first I laughed when i heard the price. They were out of their mind.......
But after a while, and getting to see one in person, it really is a good quality custom fit cab. The glass, the doors, heater, wiper all very fit and polished. and it should be for $4k!
Could I have built one for 1500 or 2k (some of that curved glass is expensive) sure. But my time is money too. I can just as easily go put a heater in for a customer or an A/C unit and make that money doing what I know and let the cab manufacturer do what they do.
Like I said it's a luxury but well worth it! I had my first cab on my old ford lgt145 while blowing snow (no heater) and it was a godsend many a night when it was 5 degrees out, wind blowing and snow still coming down.
Any cab - one you build a cheaper one you buy or an expensive one is really a great luxury if your out in the snow or freezing weather with your tractor!