So we got about 24 hours of freezing rain and ice pellets and ended up with about 5 inches of build up of weird ice snow pellet mix. I tried the loader and if I can get a bucket load it digs for a short time and takes the gravel with it or it floats above the ice mix. The back blade either floats on top or it takes a good layer of gravel with it. the tractor is almost sideways most of the time with the back blade down and part of the time with just driving with nothing but the tire and chains touching the ground. I have brand new trygg studded ice chains and the tractor has 13 hours on it. For the first time I am unsure about how to plow the driveway. I do not want to take any more of gravel off so at this point I am going to wait the sun and colder temps tomorrow may change the way the snow moves. If not tuesday will be above freezing.