So on the farm I do lots of welding, more welding, endless other repairs and some hard facing. I usually choose my welding current based on what works and got pretty good at judging it. I got a new rod, stoody 35, hardfacing rock picker teeth. I'm not perfect enough to get it to self peel but I can get it so once it cools a bit a light tap and it falls off. Comes out nice weird purple/red color. 3/16 rod I believe (big one) maybe 3/8? I forget but I am using around 140-150 amps. It recommends like 230-250, if I do that I'll just incinerate everything. I find all the hard facing rods are like that, the recommend an amperage that would damn near blow a hole in inch plate.... why do that do this? Why give such an insane number? Am I thinking wrong? Thanks for any info