Another New Member Introduction

Titan Tom

New member

Feb 16, 2011
Merritt Island, Fl
Howdy! My name is Tom, and I'm from East Central Florida.

I've been reading the posts here since January, but I wanted to wait until now to make my first post. I've been working this tractor deal since mid-January, and I just received word from my neighbor in Tennessee that my new (to me) tractor is now safely stored in his barn.

Last fall, my wife & I purchased a piece of property in East Tennessee. As soon as I secured the land, I knew that I would need a tractor & box blade to keep the roads serviced on the 120-acre parcel. Thus started my search for the tractor.

I always figured that if I ever needed a tractor, I would probably buy an older Ford, as that's the only make I had any experience with (and damned little experience at that). I started doing some research, and decided that I'd be better served with a newer tractor. After poking around the net reading reviews, the Kubota B or L series seemed like just the ticket, but the darned things were expensive!

As it turned out, I heard about a guy that had an 'orange' tractor for sale, so I called him up. Turns out he was selling an L3400 4WD HST with only 122 hours on the meter. I steeled myself to spending a bit more than I had originally intened, and made arragements to check out the tractor.

Turns out it was a beauty, since it not only was a low-hour tractor, but it had been lightly used and had lived in a garage since the original purchase. It came with a loader, a 4' bush hog, 5' box blade, and a pair of fork tines for the loader, all of which had been purchased new with the tractor. Asking price was $12K. To sweeten the pot, he offered to deliver the tractor to Tennessee as part of the deal. We settled at $11K for the tractor & goodies, plus delivery. I also offered to help with the gas for the trip, and an overnight stay + a couple of meals before his trip home once the tractor was delivered.

I was amazed at how easy the thing was to drive with the HST, and how easy & intuitive it was to operate the FEL bucket. I couldn't write that check fast enough! Although it's only been about 75 hours since the initial 50-hr service, he also drained & replaced the hydraulic fluid, so I would be starting out 'fresh'. I have to say that the seller was not only a great guy and very easy to work with, but he was the type of man who really takes care of his goodies, and th etractor was no exception. The only downside to the whole thing was the fact that it had turf tires, and I knew that I would need some more aggressive treads for the hilly roads on the property.

Once I had the tractor paid for, I called the local dealer where the tractor had originally been purchased (Robinson's in Mims, FL) and arranged to have a full set of ags installed (Goodyears up front, Titans in the rear). The dealer also drained the water from the rear turfs so they'd be easier to handle & transport.

So now my new toy is safely resting in my TN neighbor's barn, and will stay there until I get a proper building in place. Unlike most of ya'll, I'll have to endure a 'long distance relationship' for a while. Weep for me!

First job for the tractor will be in mid-May, when I head up to prep about 1000 feet of road for underlayment & gravel, which the Kubota will also lay down.

After all was said and done, I ended up with the 'perfect' tractor, along with the loader, box blade, bush hog, fork tines, and a spare set of mounted turf tires with only 122 hours on them, everything delivered from Florida to Tennessee. The whole thing broke down like this:

$11K - L3400 4WD HST, 122 hours, new hydraulic fluid
$1431 - New ags & rims, installed, de-water turfs, including tax
$400 - Gas for delivery trip
$100 - Overnight stay after delivery + supper & breakfast

All told, $12,931 for the whole shebang. I'm happy as a pig in poop.

I know, I know, you're sitting there at your computer screaming "Pictures! Pictures!" Well, here I sit, a real live Rocket Scientist, and the whole Photobucket thing has me smuffled. I PROMISE that I'll read the tutorial AGAIN and see if I can work it out. Believe me, I'm DYING To show off my new L3400!

Ya'll take care, and thanks for the opportunity to let me vent some of my 'new-tractor-owner' enthusiasm!


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Kuno B1-15 (B1502DT)
May 24, 2009
Germany, Oyten
Welcome Welcome

looks like you write reports all day long... ;)

I like your first post, it is always nice to read the reason why somebody bought a Kubota and how it was done.

My last two paperboard rockets I started, one was small with a to big engine, saw it disappearing in the sky and the other bigger one (Big Berta) had a small engine came only 4 meters high, caught by hand and then "pop" the parachute came out... :p


ps. I work for EADS and next to our office they built rocket parts at Astrium in Bremen/Germany.
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Titan Tom

New member

Feb 16, 2011
Merritt Island, Fl

Well, to tell the truth I definately ain't no real 'Rocket Scientist' like I described in my post, but I have known a couple of real ones, and have worked missile & large launch vehicle programs all my life.

I started out in the Navy, as a Poseidon & Trident Missile Tech, serving first aboard a submarine tender (USS Simon Lake) and then aboard an FBM (Fleet Ballistic Missile) sub, the USS Casimir Pulaski, SSBN 633(Gold Crew).

After that came a twenty-year stint (1985-2005) on Complexes 40 & 41 at Cape Canaveral, with ten of those years as Lead Electrical Engineer for Titan Launch Operations. Started out on Titan 34D, then we progressed to Titan 4A, and Commercial Titan, and flew out the program with the Titan 4B. Best job I ever had, or will ever have, unless of course I get appointed as Official Cathouse Inspector for the state of Nevada!

Now they launch the Space X Falcon 9 from Complex 40, and Atlas V's from Complex 41. I do enjoy watching their launches, and of course wish them both the best of luck, but after 20 years of launching Titans from those pads it's like being an eyewitness to your ex-wife's honeymoon!

Now I manage a pair of design engineering groups, one here at the Cape, the other in Sunnyvale, California. We design test equipment in support of the Navy's Trident II program, so I've come full circle back to FBM where I started.

When I grow up, I want to move to East Tennessee, raise a couple of goats and chickens, and shoot at empty beer cans with a 22.

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Kuno B1-15 (B1502DT)
May 24, 2009
Germany, Oyten
Yeah, watching a real rocket launch is one point on my list in life.

I always say, when the customer or projectmanager become a pain in the neck, in my next life I become a sheepherder. Only directed by anual seasons...:)



New member

B6000DT, B7100DT,Snowplow, RM360, Scoop, Cultivator, Carryall,Disk, plow
Aug 14, 2009
Western Ky
Welcome to our little slice of life. cool orange ride, cooler job! make sure you stick arund and be a part of things. you'd be amazed at what you'll learn.



New member
Jan 13, 2011
What year ? Sounds like a steal ! What parts of Tn , I do not live far from dhere. Looks great in pics ! I want R4 tires on mine .

If you are doing any long driveways , BUY a grader. I loved the dura grader I used . It was great ! I am going to get a copy cat model Big Bee Soil Mover . WOW , it was day/night compared to a regular box blade .
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Titan Tom

New member

Feb 16, 2011
Merritt Island, Fl

It's a 2006.

My land is near Eidson, TN. About 15 miles or so Northeast of Rogersville, on the far side of Clinch Mountain.

I'm sure a full-size blade would be sweet! I'd really like to have a BH as well, but I pretty much shot my wad on the tractor purchase, so I have to get the piggy bank filled back up first!



Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
TT,, well from up in the coal country,, that man told you Merry Xmas when he sold you that tractor,,lol,, I was in the Navy too but on them really little boats and the only rockets we saw were from Huies,,lol,, Enjoy the beast and your gona be supprised all the thing you never knew you neede it for,, Congrads

Titan Tom

New member

Feb 16, 2011
Merritt Island, Fl
On the 13th of May, less than two weeks from now, my wife & I will be heading up to the property in Tennesse. It'll be my first chance to spend any 'quality time' with the L3400.

The plan is to use the box blade to clean up & grade about 1000' of road, in preparation for the delivery of a butt-load of gravel to lay on the roads. I wish I had a 'proper' blade to grade with, but I'll make do with the box blade (5') as best I can. This time we're flying up, but next time, after the gravel is delivered, we'll drive the truck up so I can hopefully pick up a grader blade in TN. The plan is to get a decent road bed laid down so I can start on the next project, the erection of a building large enough to house the tractor and implements, and the goal is to have the building up by the end of the year.

I'll be sure to take a bunch of pics of me & tractor in action, and I'll post some here.

Also, if anybody near East Tennessee is in need of a nearly-new (122 hours) full set of turf tires on rims, let me know and I'll make you a good deal!

Take Care,


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Kuno B1-15 (B1502DT)
May 24, 2009
Germany, Oyten
...a building large enough to...
Forget it, will not happen! You will be the first guy here with a shed "large enough" ;) I belief it will be your first shed!

Hope to see some pic's of your trip to your second life...

Have fun
