Another Crazy Thought?


New member

Aug 4, 2010
Tellico Plains, TN
Like a lot of places this summer it's been hot and dry here. I've had some digging, mostly into banks (nothing is flat here) where I'd like a little more "flat space". THing is I really don't have the machinery needed, either a Cat or a back-hoe perhaps. The FEL try as it like can really get in there and I'm not inclined to punish it more than I do. Sure glad it's made as strong as it is! So... point in question - anyone come up with a way of mounting an impliment on the FEL or any other way for that matter where you can dig into and move a smaller amount of soil at a time? I was thinking perhaps some way of mounting a 18" scoop or the like might be possible. Anyone done something like this? THanks


New member

BX2360 FEL 60MMM BoxBlade
Sep 16, 2010
Sevierville, TN
I just had to do about the same thing. Flatten out about 10' of banking next to the back porch deck. Ended up using the box blade tipped to it's greatest angle and only the ripper on the bank side lowered. Worked quite well but was only able to loosen 4" of rock and soil at a time. Made several off-set passes with the ripper down, then raised the ripper and scraped as much as I could into a pile to scoop up with the FEL. By the way where you are is flat in comparision - I'm in Wear's Valley. Took quite a while but the little BX got it done. Start small near the top and gust work on down.


New member

L35, mower, bushhog, cement mixer, grader, boxblade, forks, posthole digger
Mar 31, 2009
Ft. Worth, TX
ETRon, years ago, I used a 3pt grading blade to cut down a bank like you have described. It was slow, but got the job done. I had to shorten up the top link as far as it would go to get the blade as high as possible. Have you considered making a ripper attachment of some kind for your FEL. Either to attach in place of the bucket or as an attachment on the bucket itself? Just a suggestion. Keep us posted on what you decide and any pictures would be appreciated.


New member

Aug 4, 2010
Tellico Plains, TN

Your idea for attaching a small bucket or ripping device is what I was trying to present or ask if anyone has done successfully already. I would rip with the 3-point scraper blade if I could. I guess I could have explained a little better what the area is like. I'm digging around a 30 x 90 out building that is already dug into the hill on 2 sides. There's about 3 -4 ft. clearence on those two sides before I started. I'm trying to open that space up so I have at least 6-8 feet around those sides so I can keep it cleared/bushhogged. The side of the "cpresently cleared" area is anywhere from 4 10 feet above the buildings "ground" level. I don't have access from above really. Besides the inherent danger it's heavy brush forest on about a 30 degree angle.
I probably could have used a spell check on this note..... don't hold it against me :)

Orange Tractors


L175 w/Woods L59, Allis Chalmers WD
Jul 19, 2009
Butler, MO
That's a lot of dirt to try to move with a tractors FEL. At the very least, it sounds like you need a toothbar for the front of your bucket.

Have you considered renting an excavator? You can move a lot more dirt, quickly with an excavator than you can with a tractor.



New member

L3410 GST, FEL, Bush Hog, Box Scrape, Spreader
Nov 6, 2009
Snellville, Ga. USA
You can move allot of dirt in a hurry with a box scrap and ripper teeth, just back up to where you want it, drop it and drag the dirt out. Once you get the dirt loose, you can move it real easy with the loader.


New member

Aug 4, 2010
Tellico Plains, TN
I decided to order in a toothbar and try that first. Least expensive of the options and all that. It should be in late this week or early next. I'll update after I'm able to give it a try. If that per chance doesn't work as expected I'm thinking I'll try out a "stump bucket" which would allow me other uses as well. I have plenty of stumps to get out along.