Mt tractor is an L2350.
My clutch pedal does not return all the way to the up position when I take my foot off. It is not the pedal assembly, but rather the part that goes into the housing out of sight. It seems to be getting hung up on something, but will come back up if I lift it with my foot. I am using a stiff shock cord to pull the pedal all the way back. Not very good.
The clutch also doesn't seem to engage and disengage properly. I've tried adjusting the pedal one way or the other. If it fully disengages, it sometimes slips a little when I let it out. If it fully engages, it sometimes grinds the gears when I try to shift. I may have the pedal adjustment way out of whack.
It looks like it would be very hard to get at the innards to have a look. I'm pretty good at mechanical stuff if I can see what I'm doing and understand what I'm seeing. Any suggestions?
My clutch pedal does not return all the way to the up position when I take my foot off. It is not the pedal assembly, but rather the part that goes into the housing out of sight. It seems to be getting hung up on something, but will come back up if I lift it with my foot. I am using a stiff shock cord to pull the pedal all the way back. Not very good.
The clutch also doesn't seem to engage and disengage properly. I've tried adjusting the pedal one way or the other. If it fully disengages, it sometimes slips a little when I let it out. If it fully engages, it sometimes grinds the gears when I try to shift. I may have the pedal adjustment way out of whack.
It looks like it would be very hard to get at the innards to have a look. I'm pretty good at mechanical stuff if I can see what I'm doing and understand what I'm seeing. Any suggestions?