Eric McCarthy New member Lifetime Member Equipment Kubota B6100E Dec 21, 2009 5,223 7 0 43 Richmond Va Aug 26, 2012 #21 Oh man I'm sorry to hear that. It sounds like carpultunnel gotchya.
K Kytim New member Equipment B6000DT, B7100DT,Snowplow, RM360, Scoop, Cultivator, Carryall,Disk, plow Aug 14, 2009 848 13 0 Western Ky Aug 27, 2012 #22 Its a similar thing to carpal tunnel in a way I guess but, more serious. I've been battling hand, arm and leg issues since '95. 'tis my world.
Its a similar thing to carpal tunnel in a way I guess but, more serious. I've been battling hand, arm and leg issues since '95. 'tis my world.