Age, Hours and Condition Vs what's a fair value


Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
My wife's now 84 YO Uncle bought a brand new BX2380 11 years ago.... it came with a FFL, 60" MMM, R4's and liquid filled tires. Other than scheduled servicing it has never been on the shop for any repair. The unit has 556 hours on the meter... most of it in 4WD as he lives on a dangerously steep slope and tends about about 1 +/- acre of lawn.
He just had it detailed in anticipation of selling it. Looking at it right now... this thing is as close to mint as you can get (except for imminent age related issues) .... no seeps, weeps or drips (yet).

He paid $17,500 for the unit back in the day and if I told you what he thinks it's worth now.... you'd shake your head and laugh. Has anyone bought or sold tractors lately? What do you think the tractor and implements are worth based on the current market.

I did tell his wife if push comes to shove... she could keep it, put a cab on it and when he passes tie his butt to the seat and call it a coffin... problem solved.
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TG1860, BX2380 -backblade, bx2830 snowblower, fel, weight box,pallet forks,etc
Apr 11, 2021
NB, Canada
I'm a poor one to judge as I'm in Eastern Canada and the market is vastly different from MD,USA but by the way you wrote that I'd say he wants 17.5k?

It's likely worth NEAR that in todays market, but again...


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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
My wife's now 84 YO Uncle bought a brand new BX2380 11 years ago.... it came with a FFL, 60" MMM, R4's and liquid filled tires. Other than scheduled servicing it has never been on the shop for any repair. The unit has 556 hours on the meter... most of it in 4WD as he lives on a dangerously steep slope and tends about about 1 +/- acre of lawn.
He just had it detailed in anticipation of selling it. Looking at it right now... this thing is as close to mint as you can get (except for imminent age related issues) .... no seeps, weeps or drips (yet).

He paid $17,500 for the unit back in the day and if I told you what he thinks it's worth now.... you'd shake your head and laugh. Has anyone bought or sold tractors lately? What do you think the tractor and implements are worth based on the current market.

I did tell his wife if push comes to shove... she could keep it, put a cab on it and when he passes tie his butt to the seat and call it a coffin... problem solved.
Today's new price is $16,800 and change, so he must have the gold-plate special.


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Lifetime Member

Jun 27, 2019
Canton, Georgia
My wife's now 84 YO Uncle bought a brand new BX2380 11 years ago.... it came with a FFL, 60" MMM, R4's and liquid filled tires. Other than scheduled servicing it has never been on the shop for any repair. The unit has 556 hours on the meter... most of it in 4WD as he lives on a dangerously steep slope and tends about about 1 +/- acre of lawn.
He just had it detailed in anticipation of selling it. Looking at it right now... this thing is as close to mint as you can get (except for imminent age related issues) .... no seeps, weeps or drips (yet).

He paid $17,500 for the unit back in the day and if I told you what he thinks it's worth now.... you'd shake your head and laugh. Has anyone bought or sold tractors lately? What do you think the tractor and implements are worth based on the current market.

I did tell his wife if push comes to shove... she could keep it, put a cab on it and when he passes tie his butt to the seat and call it a coffin... problem solved.
What all is included in sale? Tractor and FEL only or implements too? What kind of implements? Everything adds up.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
He could get anywhere between 80 to 120% of the original price. Depending on the area, there might not be ANY equal units available,so it's a seller's market. Very low hours, +-50 per year,super clean, easily get top dollar.
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Premium Member

May 3, 2022
Deep East Texas
He could get anywhere between 80 to 120% of the original price. Depending on the area, there might not be ANY equal units available,so it's a seller's market. Very low hours, +-50 per year,super clean, easily get top dollar.


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Nov 23, 2021
Last October I sold my B7510 for $13,100 (It was $14,000 out the door new in July 2004. It had 980 hours but aside from some cosmetic issues (mostly a broken tail light and plugs in 3 of the tires) it was sound and all the loader pins were tight. Always kept indoors and kept up on oil changes and greasing. I think now however it would be harder to get that kind of money around here. The dealer to the south of me when I stopped by in early August to get some filters for my new one had at least 3 each of BX, LX and std L's sitting next to the showroom all with loaders installed and ready to go.


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Nov 8, 2015
North East CT
I priced the tractor with the loader, mower deck, turf tires, and loader valve as seen below. The tractor has a List of Price$21,305.00. There are some incentives available if you are financing ($300) or Cash Customer Instant Rebate Up To($600.00). That means that you can purchase the same unit with a full warranty and zero hours for $20705.00. Now let us assume that with the 556 hours will be depreciation for the tractor at $10 per hour, that is a $5560, deduction off the new price of $20705.00 or a net of $ 15145, and that assumes that there will be no repairs needed in the next 3 years that would have been covered by the new tractor warranty. I feel that it is a good assumption that it will need the lift cylinders rebuilt in the next 3 years and possibly new hoses needed also. I would assume that a Kubota tractor dealer would take it in trade for about $15000 and sell it for about $18000 and give you some type of warranty. This means that a private sale should be somewhere between the wholesale value and the retail value or $16500 at best. A year and a half ago, I bought a 2019 BX23S with 80 hours on it from a private party for $17500. Now, which do you think is a better buy? He might get a bite by someone that doesn't know the true value of the tractor, but it is unlikely.
Last month when I went shopping for a replacement car since my 2016 was totaled with 60,000 miles, I found the same model 2 years newer with 40,000 miles and the Ford dealer wanted $44,000 for it. I bought a 2019 top-of-the-line same brand of car with 20,000 miles on it from another dealer for $40,000. The deals on tractors or cars are out there, you just have to keep looking for the best deal and hold out until you find what you want at a price that is agreeable to you and the seller.

Base Price Including Tires$17,371.00
[-] Selected Attachments Edit$3,934.00
1 LA344/LA340 LOADER VALVE KIT$753.00

Orange Protection Program (Extended Warranty)
see dealer for pricing
Factory Assembly$0.00
List Price$21,305.00
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Well-known member

Nov 8, 2015
North East CT
I stand corrected. With loader the current list is just under $20,000.
You forgot to add in the cost of the mower deck, which is a variable depending on which deck is selected. 54" or 60". The tractor that his uncle owns has a mower deck included.


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
One number not shown on new is the TAXES. Here in Ontario that's 13%.
On a $20K new's another $2,600 that HAS to come out of your wallet.


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G1800S L2500
Aug 19, 2022
SE Pennsylvania has a High/Low/Average summarization feature. You can punch in a make/model and it will summarize prices realized for that model. You can do a detailed search to include only auction results in a single country or state/province around the world.

When I did that for my recently purchased G1800, there were 25 sold in the US, and it averaged at about US$1000.

When I punch in the BX2380, there are 36 data points for the US, and the average is ~US$12,300.

Now, can auction results be applied to the entire marketplace? I would guess that auction prices are generally a bit lower than the rest of the marketplace, because of the condition unknowns. I mean, often at an auction, you have very little information to make an accurate assessment of condition. That makes me hedge my offer, a lot or a little, depending on what I can see and prior knowledge.


PS, the highest price paid for a BX2380 was US$16,940. As you might expect, the highest prices were paid for tractors with just a few hundred hours on them.
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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
You forgot to add in the cost of the mower deck, which is a variable depending on which deck is selected. 54" or 60". The tractor that his uncle owns has a mower deck included.
No, that included a deck. There may be another bug in Kubota's site. I re- did it another way and came up with $20,000 plus change.


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
I priced the tractor with the loader, mower deck, turf tires, and loader valve as seen below. The tractor has a List of Price$21,305.00. There are some incentives available if you are financing ($300) or Cash Customer Instant Rebate Up To($600.00). That means that you can purchase the same unit with a full warranty and zero hours for $20705.00. Now let us assume that with the 556 hours will be depreciation for the tractor at $10 per hour, that is a $5560, deduction off the new price of $20705.00 or a net of $ 15145, and that assumes that there will be no repairs needed in the next 3 years that would have been covered by the new tractor warranty. I feel that it is a good assumption that it will need the lift cylinders rebuilt in the next 3 years and possibly new hoses needed also. I would assume that a Kubota tractor dealer would take it in trade for about $15000 and sell it for about $18000 and give you some type of warranty. This means that a private sale should be somewhere between the wholesale value and the retail value or $16500 at best. A year and a half ago, I bought a 2019 BX23S with 80 hours on it from a private party for $17500. Now, which do you think is a better buy? He might get a bite by someone that doesn't know the true value of the tractor, but it is unlikely.
Last month when I went shopping for a replacement car since my 2016 was totaled with 60,000 miles, I found the same model 2 years newer with 40,000 miles and the Ford dealer wanted $44,000 for it. I bought a 2019 top-of-the-line same brand of car with 20,000 miles on it from another dealer for $40,000. The deals on tractors or cars are out there, you just have to keep looking for the best deal and hold out until you find what you want at a price that is agreeable to you and the seller.
Not a tractor comparison, but another (vehicle) car comparison.
Current value by Edmunds:
2014 MB E-350 sport= $15,545

I paid $14,500 (+tax) on Jan. 19th 2020 (clean>outstanding).
32 months/18,000 miles later, and car is apparently STILL worth $1,000 bucks more than I paid?
A used car has become an "investment"?
Absolutely CRAZY situation!
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Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
Curious, I wonder if those auction results INCLUDE the buyer's premium, loading fee, taxes and anything else that inflates the purchase price ??
One local place $100 will cost you $125 to get out the door.