Already done, but thanks.
Yes, swapped side to side.
The tractor is currently (still) on 4 heavy duty jack stands. To get the tires on, I set the brake to keep the hub from turning, and used a board to lever up just off center while braced with my knee opposite, lined up and slid the top bolt in. I'm used to heavy tires with the 42" IROKs and bead-locks that were on my old rock crawler. It would have been MUCH easier with studs, but really not a big deal other than getting black from trying to fiddle with both loose bolt and nut. Really? Kubota can't use studs? Sheesh...
It will probably come down off the stands tonight. I want to take a good look learn what I can about the front drive not working, so need the tires off the ground. Also surprising, but it's too low to get under on a creeper without being up on the stands.