First Thanks for the reply/response/suggestion, much appreciated.
Yes I am aware of just how long a bung/plug I would need to replace a freeze plug, but since I will be fabricating the bunk/plug anyway the length is not an issue, it just has to fit tight enough to stay put, but not tight enough to crack the head when put in place.
No it's not a solution in search of a problem.
I guess you would need to go through all the difference threads I have on my current project, but the bottom line here is I am adding power steering to my L1500DT, and in the process of doing that, I had to remove the mechanical fan and I also replaced to old radiator and will now be using an electric fan, and I don't want it to run non stop, but I also don't want to have to remember to turn it on when I need/should.
I have looked at the external sensors like you reference, and I am just not happy with the fact they are not as accurate and will not sense the "real" temp of the coolant, plus having something like that hanging out where the wire could get tangled, snagged, or somehow broken, pulled out, ect., (it's bad enough I will have to run and protect the fan wiring), we use this thing in some really nasty brush/tall grass at times, and constantly have to blow/wash out the pre-screen for the radiator allot.
I am also basically upgrading and improving/repairing allot of things on this old girl while I'm at it, this is just one piece of the puzzle, if I had not had to replace the mechanical fan with the electric I wouldn't even be concerned.
I will make this work, and work properly, all I am doing here is accessing a massive amount of brain power/experience such as yours, looking for the best possible solution/method to get done what I need/want to accomplish.
I am open to any and all suggestion, and ideas, and I do consider or factor in each and every one, nothing is lost on me, and you know the Orange power here will solve this problem for someone else down the road, as it does daily,

Trust me 1 change leads to 10 others, the pics I end up posting will tell allot.
I know I can get pretty chatty/windy in me responses but I feel sometimes a more in-depth discussion helps to clarify the situation, perhaps not for the old Pros, but perhaps for someone new the the Orange world, of even other colors too,
