Cell phone is something I should probably start carrying.
Was in the Buttercup dunes years ago driving Lil Foot & stopped for a break. While sipping a cold one, (not alcoholic) I heard a faint horn tooting, 3 toots, then a pause, then 3 more. Kept repeating.
Sounded like an SOS to me.
We could not readily figure out where it was coming from, but a few forays to the compass points and we zeroed in on it.
Turns out it was an older gentleman on a large quad, riding alone, who had somehow rolled off the side of a bowl & down to the bottom, where the quad landed on top of him. He was not hurt badly, just bumps & bruises, but he was pinned in an awkward position and could not lift the quad.
Without the horn, I'm not sure what would have happened or how long he would have lain there, but the incident impressed me with the need for a loud, functioning horn on all my vehicles.