For the L3301, and also the U 25 mini X (one at a time.) I currently use my 12' dump bed trailer, and it works after a fashion, but living on a mountain with 1200' of fall I have to go up and down, I don't like packing the extra weight of the double dump bed etc., plus the higher center of gravity going down the road. The load height is high also, and the ramps are not wide enough, ha ha, or at least it seems like it halfway down! The sides get in the way when securing it also.
So, I am building a bare bones trailer, with an open deck/no floor, got the 5" channel ordered plus 2 5000 lbs torsion axles ( I think, maybe 3500, they are 6 lug though) I got used for $400.00. I hope to keep the empty weight under 1,000 lbs., thew dumper is over 3 K lbs., I may even spring for aluminum wheels. Max lightness with adequate strength is what I'm after. 12 to 13' long, 6' wide. The bed height should be low enough to allow just walking the mini X onto it, with very minimal ramps ( or maybe none, we'll see) for the tractor, that's the plan anyway. I'll post a few pics when completed. I also want the tie downs to be super quick and easy, probably with 2" web strap mini winches, welded or bolted to the right places for optimum strength at just the correct angles, something I have not been able to attain with the dump bed trailer. I gave a lot of thought to a tilt bed, but am trying to stay away from the extra weight and complexity.
So, I am building a bare bones trailer, with an open deck/no floor, got the 5" channel ordered plus 2 5000 lbs torsion axles ( I think, maybe 3500, they are 6 lug though) I got used for $400.00. I hope to keep the empty weight under 1,000 lbs., thew dumper is over 3 K lbs., I may even spring for aluminum wheels. Max lightness with adequate strength is what I'm after. 12 to 13' long, 6' wide. The bed height should be low enough to allow just walking the mini X onto it, with very minimal ramps ( or maybe none, we'll see) for the tractor, that's the plan anyway. I'll post a few pics when completed. I also want the tie downs to be super quick and easy, probably with 2" web strap mini winches, welded or bolted to the right places for optimum strength at just the correct angles, something I have not been able to attain with the dump bed trailer. I gave a lot of thought to a tilt bed, but am trying to stay away from the extra weight and complexity.