Just because you are vaccinated and immune from getting the disease, does not mean you can't carry it and spread it to others that are not vaccinated.
See I can also bold, underline, italicize, and even change font!
I don't understand why so many people think this is just a big hoax, snow job, conspiracy (insert your line here).
If it is I really wanna meet the Person or Group that thought this up as it's brilliant!
[ Group speaking at the conspiracy international annual meeting ]
Hey group: I got this idea of a hoax we can pull on the entire world! APPLUAD
We'll make up a disease that will kill people, hurt people, disable people, be really hard to kill, really hard to get a good line of symptoms on, and really hard to detect accurately. APPLUAD
And just for the heck of it, We'll throw in a quirk to it that it will not effect young kids, and will make some not be able to smell!
And just to throw in a little more randomness we'll have it effect Animals of all sorts too just for the fun of it.
(One group attendee) Wow this is Genius, I love being in this group.
COME ON: Think about it a little...