A bold statement


New member

May 27, 2014
Fremont Mi.
Myself, if any of them in Washington worked for me they would get one chance to get it together or loose their job . I'm ashamed of how this government is run anymore . Just a bunch of sissies afraid of offending someone and making hard choices . I don't think its going to get better anytime soon either .

Orange Turbo

Lifetime Member

MX5100, pto13000kw, Loader, Ripper,Plow,Disc,Mower,Forks,3pt spreader,Box Blade.
Feb 2, 2015
CaveCreekRay, Very well Said!!!!!!!!!!!

That's what I was getting at, when I said ''SAD'', All this info was there 6-years ago, and people don't seem to worry about it until it affect's them on a personal level, As long as it affect's someone else. Is what fries me is those that come here for what we stand for and the freedom,,than want to turn it into the shit hole they came from..... Folks it's going away!!!!!!!
All you have to do is LOOK AROUND....It's there.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
koja, you mentioned, "Myself, if any of them in Washington worked for me they would get one chance to get it together or loose their job."

Sad to think of it, but they do work for you!

I understand what you're saying, and I agree with you 100%. We've got more then 50% in the Govt. trough with both palms facing up--that's the reason it will be tough to get change.

The tail is wagging the dog! We got problems, right here in River City.


New member

May 27, 2014
Fremont Mi.
koja, you mentioned, "Myself, if any of them in Washington worked for me they would get one chance to get it together or loose their job."

Sad to think of it, but they do work for you!

I understand what you're saying, and I agree with you 100%. We've got more then 50% in the Govt. trough with both palms facing up--that's the reason it will be tough to get change.

The tail is wagging the dog! We got problems, right here in River City.
You are right . They do work for me . Call the press , huge layoff coming today . Oh , and let's post an ad on craigslist , hiring . Lol


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ

You are correct. Based on what little information was available 6 years ago, many were able to see what his aims were. But, using Alinsky tactics, those people with questions or concerns were attacked, labeled and discredited. Yet their message remains today, as valid as it was 6 years ago, only substantiated by hundreds more supporting points than were available 6 years ago. Who did the attacking? The media.

ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.

CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.

ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney.

ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary.

ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood.

CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.

So... the next time you watch a news show on one of the major networks and suspect you are not getting a "fair and balanced" version of the story, you now know why.

This is why I watch no shows on those networks. I don't want to support them with my viewership knowing they are trying to deceive me.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
In some states, more people are on government support (riding in the wagon) than people working (pulling the wagon). And Uncle Samuel is out advertising to get more and more people on the "dole." It is the classic Coward and Piven strategy at work; Overload the system in order to crash it. Then, after the system crashes, when things are horrible and people are desperate for a solution, they will accept anything, even socialism or communism. But, in the end, that fails too. Capitalism is the ONLY answer. Here is a good example of why...

An economics professor at a local college had previously never failed a single student, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The teacher then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this
class. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade. No one will fail and no one will receive an A***8221; (substituting grades for dollars - something closer to home and more readily understood by all).

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset, and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who had studied little studied even less, and those who had studied hard decided to study little.

The second test average was a D! No one was happy.

The third test average was an F!

As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling resulted in hard feelings. No one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

To their great surprise ALL FAILED, and the teacher told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.

Here are 5 sentences that sum up this professor***8217;s experiment:

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating
the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Sorry to load up the thread but this will likely make you very upset.


And this one will just leave you breathless and stunned.

Our DHS chief want to help the Muslims in this country and improve their "plight." Why don't they do that? Why did they come here? They don't assimilate. Look at Dearborn, MI. Why don't we figure out the problem before importing more like the ones who want to blow up the Mall of America?

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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Daniel Greenfield asks questions the Mainstream Press cannot begin to...

Does Obama Love America or Islam?

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On February 23, 2015 @ 12:21 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 130 Comments

Walk into a store and you’ll see piles of red and pink in the Clearance box. Everything from heart-shaped cards and boxes of chocolate candy to plastic flowers and teddy bears clutching plush red hearts will be 50 percent off because Valentine’s Day comes but once a year. And Valentine’s Day is over.

Obama’s love for America also comes but once a year. He tosses it into a speech in the Midwest when his poll numbers are down and then it goes into the clearance box where you can buy his love and his patriotism for 50 percent off. And it’s still expensive at the price because the heart-shaped box is empty.

Greeting card sentiments come easily to the man who will say anything. Obama promised to eliminate income tax for seniors making less than $50,000, vowed transparent open government and promised that you could keep your doctor. His words were empty promises.

Love, of a person or of a country, is not judged by what we say. It is judged by what we do.

Every politician with ambition claims to love America. Most only love themselves. Some love other things. No one can know what is it in Obama’s heart, which is why the media’s shrill demands that Scott Walker affirm Obama’s love for America are silly and cynical, but we can certainly follow his passions.

We show our passions in the things that we really care about. We all have our duties and obligations. Obama’s obligations include delivering speeches praising America, occasionally placing his hand on his heart during the pledge of allegiance (when he can find it) and badly saluting soldiers with a latte cup.

But are these the things he loves and cares about?

We can follow Obama’s passions the way that an adulterer’s trail to his mistress can be followed no matter how many cards or stuffed bears he gives to his wife.

What are the things that Obama is passionate about?

In his first days in office, he signed a number of executive orders. Of his first five orders, three involved Muslim terrorists captured and held in Gitmo. His third executive order was about the “humane” treatment of terrorists. His fourth executive order sought to close Gitmo. Like the man who can’t wait to get away from his wife so he can call his mistress, Obama made his priorities clear from the start.

It took Obama a month to set up the Economic Recovery Advisory Board. It took him two days to set up a Special Interagency Task Force on Detainee Disposition to free Gitmo terrorists.

Obama prioritized helping Muslim terrorists over the economic recovery. Why? Because that was a subject he was passionate about.

People will always prioritize what they are passionate about over what they aren’t. It’s easy to look at a mission shift and see the choice that has been made.

For example, is Obama passionate about space exploration? He told the head of NASA that his “foremost” priority was making Muslims feel good about themselves.

Obama is more passionate about Muslim self-esteem than he is about visiting other planets.

Is he passionate about god and religion? That depends on which god and which religion.

Obama left out “Under God” when reciting the Gettysburg Address. The DNC’s platform initially left out “God” and booed the reinsertion. Obama’s invocation at his inauguration also dropped “Under God”.

However Obama cheerfully recited “Allahu Akbar”, the opening of the Islamic supremacist call to prayer, and called it “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth.” He had a man jailed for making a YouTube video attacking Mohammed and blamed him for Muslim acts of terror against America.

Obama’s religious beliefs, such as they are, remain locked in his head. But there is only one religion that he is passionate enough to protect by imprisoning those who blaspheme against it.

He may botch salutes and the pledge of allegiance, but he has retained the ability to chant “Allahu Akbar” with a “first-rate accent”.

He may think that the “good book” says “don’t throw stones in glass houses”, but he accurately quotes the Koran. The things that we remember are the ones that we really care about.

Obama has an obligation to reference the Gettysburg Address, to wait out the pledge of allegiance and to praise America. He has no obligation to quote the Koran or chant “Allahu Akbar”. These are things that he does because he wants to do them. They are the things that he is actually passionate about.

Does he love them more than he loves America? No one can know what is in another person’s heart.

There are married couples who have lived together for decades only to discover that the love of their life had been cheating on them all along. And who is to say that the adulterer doesn’t love? We can’t pass a final verdict on his feelings. But we can know his faithlessness by his deeds.

We can say of him and of Obama that they broke faith with the covenant that they had entered into. We can say that they betrayed those who trusted them, lied to them, used and abused them, and then feigned outrage when their actions were questioned.

Can the media’s furious talking heads denouncing Giuliani deny that Obama lied to Americans? Can they deny that he harmed them? Can they deny that he refused to take responsibility for his actions?
The facts are clear. Only the interpretation is in doubt. And the interpretation is what we are debating.

Does Obama lie to Americans because he loves them? Does he weaken America abroad because he loves it? And if Obama loves America, what does he love about it and how does he show that love? Does he love the Constitution? If he did, he wouldn’t constantly violate it. Does he love Americans? Which Americans? The ones whose health plans he took away for ObamaCare or the ones whose jobs he took away to legalize illegal aliens? The ones whose votes and wishes he ignores and snidely mocks?

Is it the Americans who no longer believe in the future under his rule that he loves? Is it the unemployed Americans he loves? Is it the Americans he jailed under his new laws and regulations that he loves?

If Obama loves Americans, then it’s a clear case of hurting the ones you love.

And if Obama doesn’t love Americans, what America does he love; the rock band or the Walt Whitman poem, the town America in the Netherlands or the Neil Diamond song?

Questioning Obama’s love for America is alleged to be unacceptable gutter politics, but accusing his critics of being racists is a standard debating tactic for those same outraged media talking heads.

It wasn’t gutter politics when Obama claimed that the national debt under Bush was “unpatriotic”. Is Obama at least as “unpatriotic” for increasing the debt by 70 percent? Is it possible that his spending spree proves that he doesn’t love America? Or is indebting our children the way that he shows his love?

Can we question the patriotism of a man who frees terrorists or only of a man who locks them up?

Is asking whether Obama loves America an unacceptable question because the answer is obvious or because it isn’t?

Obama will go on making speeches in which he claims to love America while making the country poorer, more dangerous and weaker. He will also go on making speeches praising Islam while increasing the power, influence and wealth of Muslims in America and around the world.

As the clearance box after Valentine’s Day shows, anyone can buy a card or a teddy bear. It’s the actions that count. It’s not what we say that shows love. It’s what we do that shows what we truly care about.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
The Communist Question: Why Does The Left Deny It Occurred?

Here’s the Guy Rudy Is Talking About: Frank Marshall Davis, Communist Party no. 47544 | The American Spectator


Media turns blind eye to key self-admitted Obama mentor.

By Paul Kengor – 2.22.15

“This is your work that Rudy is talking about!”

So emailed a friend of mine on Saturday morning, sending me a link to the Drudge Report, which led with a scandalous New York Daily News article apoplectic and incredulous that Rudy Giuliani could launch the hysterical, Neanderthal, McCarthyite claim that our president, Barack Obama, had been influenced as a young man by a literal communist. I quickly read the piece and nodded to myself. Not only did Rudy have the communist right, but he even had Obama’s exact age (nine) right when he was first introduced to the communist.

The next morning, I had more emails. The New York Post did a piece that was also atop the Drudge Report. It quoted Rudy. “From the time he was 9 years old, he was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a communist,” Giuliani said. The ex-mayor added that Obama’s grandfather introduced him to Davis, who the Post gently called “a writer and labor activist.”

I can’t say for certain that Rudy Giuliani read my book, which is titled, The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor, but he has those facts absolutely right. If I may, I’d like to add some crucial detail:

Frank Marshall Davis (1905-87) was a hardcore communist, an actual card-carrying member of Communist Party USA (CPUSA), who spent time with a young Barack Obama throughout the 1970s, right up until the moment Obama left Hawaii for Occidental College in 1979.

Davis joined the Communist Party in Chicago in the early 1940s. CPUSA members swore an oath to “ensure the triumph of Soviet power in the United States.” They were dedicated to what CPUSA leader William Z. Foster had openly called “Soviet America.” Notably, Davis joined CPUSA after the Hitler-Stalin Pact, a time when many American communists (especially Jewish communists) had bolted the Party in disgust that their Soviet Union had allied with Hitler.

As we know from Davis’s declassified 600-page FBI file (and other sources), his Party card number was 47544. He was very active. In 1946, he became the founding editor-in-chief of the Chicago Star, the Party-line newspaper for Chicago. There, Davis shared the op-ed page with the likes of Howard Fast, a “Stalin Prize” winner, and Senator Claude “Red” Pepper, who, at the time, sponsored the bill to nationalize healthcare in the United States.

Davis left the Star in 1948 for Hawaii, where he would write for the Party-line organ there, the Honolulu Record. His politics remained so radical that the FBI had him under continued surveillance. The federal government actually placed Davis on the Security Index, meaning that in the event of a war between the United States and USSR, Barack Obama’s mentor could be placed under immediate arrest.

Frank Marshall Davis’s targets were Democrats more than Republicans, given that it was Democrats like Harry Truman who held the White House and opposed Stalin’s Soviet expansion at the time. In December 1956, the Democrat-run Senate Judiciary Committee called Davis to Washington to testify on his activities. Davis pleaded the Fifth Amendment. No matter, the next year, the Democratic Senate published a report titled, “Scope of Soviet Activity in the United States,” where it listed Davis as “an identified member of the Communist Party.”

Frank Marshall Davis would eventually meet a young Barack Obama in 1970, introduced by Obama’s grandfather, Stanley Dunham, for the purpose of mentoring. The boy’s grandfather felt that the fatherless boy was in need of a black-male role model. For that, Dunham chose one of the most politically radical figures in all of Hawaii. He introduced the two in the fall of 1970. An eyewitness, a woman named Dawna Weatherly-Williams, who knew Davis so well that she called him “Daddy,” was present the first time Obama and Davis met. She described the relationship as very influential, with Davis impacting Obama on “social justice,” on “life,” on “what’s important,” on no less than “how to use” his “heart” and “mind.”

So deep was Davis’s influence that Obama, in his huge bestselling memoir, Dreams from My Father, would cite him repeatedly over thousands of words and in each and every section (all three parts) of his memoirs—though he referred to him only as “Frank.” “Frank” is mentioned 22 times by name, and far more times via pronouns and other forms of reference.

It is extremely telling that in the 2005 audio version of Dreams, released to help package Obama for the White House, “Frank” was completely purged from the memoir. As noted on the back cover, the audio version was personally “approved” by Obama himself. The audio version is abridged, but the abridgment somehow excludes every single mention of “Frank” that appeared throughout all parts of the original print edition. That’s right, all of them.

How often did Obama and Frank Marshall Davis meet?

Only Obama himself knows and could answer that question. The Washington Post’s excellent writer David Maraniss, in his acclaimed biography of Obama, writes that “Obama later estimated that he saw Davis ‘ten to fifteen times’” during their years together in Hawaii. Maraniss didn’t provide his source, but he must have gotten it directly from Obama in an exclusive interview for his book. I haven’t seen that figure cited anywhere else.

For the record, 10 to 15 times is notable, especially given the nature and duration of these one-on-one meetings—often long late-night evenings together. (Some people cite mentors who they’ve barely met or not even met at all.) The two would drink and even got drunk together. In reality, I bet the number of Obama-Davis meetings is much greater, given that Obama would be expected to understate Davis’s influence. Bear in mind that in Dreams from My Father, Obama was so sensitive about Davis that he never once divulged his full name anywhere in the book, and then dropped him entirely from the audio version.

One source who has studied the Davis-Obama relationship more than anyone I know scoffs at Maraniss’s figure, insisting that the two met hundreds if not thousands of times, with Obama constantly dropping in on “Frank.” I absolutely cannot confirm that claim.

Again, one person could easily clarify the whole thing in a sentence, if he were asked by our “journalists”: Barack Obama.

Now, the billion-dollar question: What’s the relevancy of all of this? Does this Davis stuff mean that Barack Obama is today a closet communist, a Manchurian candidate? No, of course it doesn’t. We all know that. It does, however, explain how and why and where Obama went so far to the left, and why he’s so far to the left to this day. In my book on Davis, I quote at length a student communist leader at Occidental College who knew Obama immediately after he left Davis and knew him as a communist. I’m confident from my research that the young Obama was once a communist, and that Davis was surely an influence in that regard. The unknown is precisely how much Davis influenced Obama, and—the true big question—when and where and how and why Obama ever rejected that communist past. To this day, Obama has never, despite two pre-presidential memoirs and thousands of interviews, told us about this radical background and why he supposedly left it. And the media refuses to ask, instead dumping on those like Rudy (and myself) who bother to ask. When media sources react to Rudy’s assertions with stunned outrage, it’s because they have closed their eyes to this information on Obama. So, when someone tries to raise it, they are often genuinely dumbfounded. It strikes them as surreal.

Of course, it is surreal. It’s surreal that Americans would twice elect as president someone with such a radical background.

As I’ve said repeatedly in my interviews on the Frank Marshall Davis book, Barack Obama could have crushed all wild speculation way back in 2008 by simply being candid about the communism in his background and explaining when he (allegedly) left it all behind. Some of my closest anti-communist colleagues (including the late Herb Romerstein, to whom I dedicated my book, Dupes) had been communists in their early years. Ron Radosh is one. David Horowitz is one. Today, both are excellent anti-communist conservatives. My primary biographical subject, Ronald Reagan, once had been a self-described “hemophiliac” liberal duped by communists. He told us all about it. George W. Bush told us about his alcohol struggles. Hillary Clinton has told us about her shift away from being a Goldwater girl.

So, where is Obama’s conversion narrative? Is there one? Again, the media refuses to ask. Reporters only hold to account those who dare to ask.

All of which brings me back to Rudy Giuliani and Barack Obama. For a bewildered press, there’s a super-quick way to clear up what Rudy is raising: Instead of interrogating Rudy, just once, finally, for the first time, ask Barack Obama about the communist, Frank Marshall Davis, who he spent time with throughout the 1970s.

We’re still waiting for just one question.


Active member

bx24 backhoe/fel, 48" Bush mower
Nov 16, 2014
ione, washington
I am sick and tired of these liberal courts and money hungry lawyers giving our tax dollars to these so called minorities. It's like "my kid didn't make the team so I'm suing the school". Okay here's 10 million dollars. Or the snow is white and it offends me. Okay here's 20 million dollars. Or a Muslim here's you say "God, it's cold". He said God and that offends me. Okay here's 10 million dollars. Or "I tried to blow up the mall and that white guy stopped me". Okay here's 20 million dollars.
This so called judicial system we have is a joke to us and the rest of the world.
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
This will be fun to watch. That is, if we can talk about it online after the President UNILATERALLY implements NET NEUTRALITY today, essentially putting the government in control of the 'Net. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!


In all of my 65-years, I have never seen, NOR had I believed it to be even possible, that in our Democracy (American Republic), that our ELECTED Leaders, self-appointed ELITIST “community organizers”, and everyday people . . . could CONCEIVABLY have such an inordinate amount of FEAR FOR JUST ONE SPEECH.

When I went to University (Sir George Williams – Montreal) at night, but NEVER finished (proud to be in the same category of Scott Walker), I had a CIVIC’s Professor, who as it turned out to be, was quite far to the LEFT, who hammered into his students, that . . .


THAT WAS 1968/69 . . . It’s hard to believe, that was just 47-years ago, and look at how our VALUES and appreciation for FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION has so dramatically changed.

One of the RESOLUTE principles of LIBERALISM, when I was growing up, was how we were EDUCATED (conditioned) to believe that FREEDOM of SPEECH was the most important FREEDOM we had, almost exclusively protected by LIBERALS.

I STILL BELIEVE THAT FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION . . . is the anchor to all of our FREEDOMS, especially in the USA, where the FIRST AMENDMENT is GUARANTEED by the SECOND AMENDMENT.

BUT WHAT I DON’T BELIEVE . . . is that in this day and age, the LEFT can be trusted by any stretch to protect anyone’s FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION.

AS I WROTE IN THE PRECEDING . . . the level of HYSTERIA over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s March 3, 2015 speech, before a Joint Session of Congress borders on INSANITY at all levels.

How could the mere presence, and the words of a World Leader, who is not ONLY a good friend, BUT ALSO A KEY ALLY IN THE WAR AGAINST ISLAMO/FASCISM, create such PANIC in the White House and amongst the LEFT, “INCLUDING” LEFTIST Jewish Community Organizers?

The LEFT build their “TRUTHS” on a FOUNDATION of LIES, which are easily toppled the moment these PHONY TRUTHS are challenged with REAL FACTS.

1 – Obamacare . . . So as not to have an honest debate. And in order to CONCEAL the truth, Nancy Pelosi said - “First you have to pass it, to know what’s in it.”

2 – The IRS . . . Denied Conservatives Non-Profit Status.

3 – The FBI . . . Investigated Reporters (James Rosen FOX News).

4 – The NSA . . . Caught spying on all Americans.

5 – Fast And Furious . . . The Justice Department Caught Arming Cartels.

6 – Benghazi . . . Clinton And The State Department Withholding Information.

AND THIS SORDID LIST GOES ON . . . from the Arab Spring, to the REAL TRUTH about Iran, and the wretched deal being concocted behind Israel’s back, and the back of the FREE World.

We have witnessed SIX-YEARS of LIES, LIES and MORE LIES . . . BUT FAR WORSE THAN THAT – we’ve seen an UNPRECEDENTED volume of political COWARDICE with all politicians, but ESPECIALLY amongst the Republicans.

IT SEEMS TO ME . . . that the Republicans have been TERRIFIED to stand up to Obama and his LEFTIST HORDE, who’ve been DISMANTLING the US Constitution and American DREAM . . . Brick-By-Brick.

The Republicans also seem to have been FRIGHTENED to be called the PARTY of NO, when NO was for the most part the right word to use, and the right position to take. They have also been HORRIFIED to be called RACISTS if they stood up to America’s FIRST Black President.

SO . . . FOR THE LAST SIX-YEARS – Obama has had his way with everyone in government, who were too COWED to stand-up to this POLITICAL MONSTER.

BUT NOT NETANYAHU . . . who cares far more for the SECURITY of Israel and the SAFETY of his citizens, and the Jewish People Worldwide, than he could care LESS for Obama’s LEGACY, which by the way has already been written in stone, as Obama being the worst and most damaging President in American History.

I cannot remember, NOT EVEN ONCE, when the Republicans actually stood up to Obama without BLINKING . . . NOT ONCE!

It goes beyond the PALE, to the extent that Obama, Valerie Jarrett, John Kerry, Joe Biden, the entire Democrat Black Caucus, and the substantial LEFTIST Jewish American LOBBY to STOP Netanyahu from speaking.

The American LEFT is TERRIFIED, that once Obama is exposed on his own turf, for the EMPTY SUIT that Obama REALLY is. And that the world won’t stop because someone stood up to this MOST UN-AMERICAN American – THE FLOOD GATES WILL OPEN.

TELLING A SITING PRESIDENT TO SHOVE-OFF . . . in the most public way possible, isn’t just some little thing. IT IS EVERYTHING.

And if TINY Israel, which is so dependent on the MOST powerful country on Earth, can look Obama in the eye . . . and effectively tell him to BUGGER-OFF, what message is that to the rest of the world?

From what we seem to know about Obama’s past, everything had been handed to him on a silver platter, EVEN the Presidency. And because Obama has always been surrounded through his public life by an opposition of COWARDS, he got away with everything.

BUT WITH THIS UP-YOURS FROM NETANYAHU . . . that game is now over, making this the BELL Obama and his Toadies can NEVER UN-RING, rendering all of them, for all the world to see, as the EMPTY SUITS they have always been.

And that’s how important Netanyahu’s speech will be to the Joint Session of Congress in addition to Iran.

Best Regards . . . Howard Galganov


New member

rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
Hey Cave Creek: I'm glad to see we have a member like you here. You speak for me and I hope many more. I'm only 21 years older, but unfortunately have more education time that has not helped me much on how to express my feelings. Thanks again.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ

Thanks. And get your friends involved before we lose this wonderful society so many fought and died for.

Well, it happened. The US Gubmint unilaterally and without any public comment period decreed that the Internet is THEIR dominion and is now subject to government regulation and control, just like a utility.

At some point in the future, take anything discussed on this or any other forum that falls outside the PC definition of "allowable" and the regulators can and will shut this medium down. It will happen under the labels of "hate speech" or some other manufactured BS.

When will the Repugnicrats in our government stand up and stop this?

Orange Turbo

Lifetime Member

MX5100, pto13000kw, Loader, Ripper,Plow,Disc,Mower,Forks,3pt spreader,Box Blade.
Feb 2, 2015
Soon,, I hope!
One thing about it, more and more people are being effected on a personal level and starting to see and feel what's going on.. Two more years,,, there going to be long & rough..


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
With a President ignoring the Constitution (the law of the land) and a Congress full of willing accomplices, unwilling to do their job and make him go through THEM to write new laws, then anything goes. And these executive orders will not be easy to undo when he leaves office. Our Congress needs to do their job or be replaced!

Obama has made good on his words and has "fundamentally changed" this country -and not for the better. We may only have one more chance to get this right. If we fail, what may come afterwards is anyone's guess.

If the last six years is any clue, it ain't gonna be good. Glad I am retired. I would hate to be a kid starting out in this insanity...
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bx24 backhoe/fel, 48" Bush mower
Nov 16, 2014
ione, washington

I saw a headline this morning that the White House is looking to creep into


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
The more and more I read from this administration, and how the other side is being backed in to a corner like a rat,,,, never a good thing to go after,,,, Armed civil insurrection could be on the horizon not a good thing for America, and this administration knows it. How better to head it off than to do every thing to starve it before it gets started, the firearms control proposals didn't work out so well. So what else, lets see, close the lead smelters, as per EPA, limit powder manufacturing to primary military contracts to limit personal usage, primers, brass, pose draconian import regulations on arms and ammo.
Do everything that can be done to get MORE people on the GOVERMENT food and monetary roles.

So whats next?
Close your eyes turn around 3 times and point your finger and that's what it might be.
The intrusion of local state and federal governments in to our everyday live is reaching, if not already, an epidemic burden on the American public.
One small example.
One day on a weekend, 2 young men show up and knock on the door I answered and asked what they needed. They had a pickup truck loaded with tools and water pipes and meters and so on. The one said we are here to put a meter on your well to see how much water you are using.
I asked how did they know I had a well in the first place and secondly why do they want to know how much water I use?
Long story short, the state of Pa was going around to people that had water wells drilled and were putting water meters on the out put so the state could gather information on HOW TO TAX PEOPLE FOR WATER THEY GOT FROM SPRINGS AND WELLS. The OL went off on them.
I said no and if you come back please bring a member of the law enforcement community with you and a court order stating that I have to let you do this. They left and never came back, I spoke to several friends that have farms and wells and springs feeding their water supply to the house and barns and live stock, and these same clowns were there as well.
So whats next ???


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
An OUTSTANDING Editorial!!!!!


This is another one of those I don't know what to say moments. I hang my head in sorrow as I watch the circus that has become the United States march right into the ash heaps of history. We are at the exact same point of so many countries, whose leaders suddenly launched a full frontal assault against their own people! Yet, we fail to see it because the masters of propaganda have successfully subdued us. How in the world does a nation of free men became enslaved? One step at a time, thats how. As surely as the earth rotates around the sun, we were slowly educated to believe the ideals we stood for, the values we believed in and the liberties our forefathers fought and died for, were wrong. We became a nation of racists, sexists and Christian Fundamentalists who were just as dangerous as Islamic terrorists because nobody wanted to make a scene and challenge the narrative. As surely as I sit here now and write, I will tell you I spent the past five years calling my senators and congressman, warning them of the dangers of white privilege education, and the extreme Anti Americanism being taught in our schools. My senators and congressmen are revered for being some of the most conservative in the nation, yet they did nothing to investigate my claims. Now, children are graduating these prestigious universities ready to embrace communism as a solution to the fabricated problems caused by too much freedom, and these politicians, retiring on the fruits of our labor, sit idly by and have the nerve to act surprised at the state of our nation.

As the evil ideology of radical Islam advances against us, we are beaten down by the antics of partisan politics, and the shenanigans of people who think they are fooling us. Democrats filibustered the DHS spending bill that would have fully funded DHS while simultaneously defunding Obamas amnesty. This tells the nation one thing for certain, Democrats do not care about you, or the lives you have worked so hard to build. As far as theyre concerned, you stole it. Never mind the fact that they lie, cheat and steal for a living while being paid by the very money that you work for, thats irrelevant. This filibuster, and the argument to shut down DHS comes at a time when Somali Muslim terrorists are threatening to attack U.S. shopping centers. Its almost as if the Democrats are using this as leverage and will be more than ready to blame the Republicans for daring to shut down DHS in the event of an attack. There seems to be one issue that no one is willing to address. Why is the funding of DHS even an issue when they insist that the biggest threat facing the nation comes from right wing patriot groups and not Islamic terrorists? This should immediately disqualify anyone who is serving in the halls of government. Then again, look at who is running DHS. America, military commanders are warning us that the highest levels of government have been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood. Yet, it is military veterans, tea party groups and those believing in the ideals of the constitution that have been labeled as a threat.

Is this being done by a vicious group of fascists, hell bent on destroying America? Or idiotic, academic eggheads who think it isnt fair that Muslims are labeled as terrorists? Either way, it is empowering those seeking to kill you.

If all of this wasnt bad enough, Louis Gutierrez is threatening a heightened level of militancy by groups of illegals because a judge halted Obamas unconstitutional amnesty. How is it that no one in the congress, who claims to be a conservative anyway, is acting on this and calling him out? This man is threatening militant action in direct defiance of a courts ruling, and complete and utter silence is all you hear from those who claim to represent us. In the meantime, President Obama hosts a summit on violent extremism which opens with an Islamic prayer, is attended mostly by Muslims and excludes the head of the FBI. Cair praises a report released by DHS which sites the dangers posed by right wing extremism, while Christians overseas continue to be beheaded and burned alive in the name of Islam. The Egyptian government is said to be filing official charges against Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for their support of terrorist factions in the Arab Spring, and yet our government is paralyzed in fear at the thought of being disliked by illegal immigrants; or being called a racist.

Our schools have become nothing more than soviet style indoctrination centers, designed to do little more than inundate your children with Anti American propaganda. They seek to take everything you ever tried to instill in your child and turn it upside down. They are turning our children into a nation of cowards that will know how to do little else except run to the government in time of crisis. We have become a society full of self loathing, lazy sycophants looking to do little more with their lives than saturate themselves with meaningless entertainment, which also fills their heads with communist propaganda. We truly have become the generation that will surrender essential liberty for security; and in true form, we will be left with neither.

Some of us however, see with crystal clarity where this is going. We have been the voice in the darkness trying to bring others to the light. We have faced ridicule, been shamed and ostracized. Some of us denied degrees. We cry into the night that we will not be silenced and we continue to speak against all odds, despite the overwhelming resistance which opposes us. We know what we face but we drive on with the belief that evil only succeeds because good men say nothing. We need more good men. We need to ask the question whose fault will it be, Obamas, for appeasing Islam and attempting to destroy the constitution, the Republicans who do nothing to stop him, or ours for not caring?

Well, would you look at that? I had plenty to say after all..
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