8560 50hr service



Aug 1, 2013
Got my M8560 back the other day. They had a factory rep down looking at it this time. They said that the diagnostic computer was showing a voltage spike in the system and that was causing the ecu to shut her down. The only thing that they did find was a wire going to the work lights on the canopy had a small nick in the insulation. These lights run off of a factory fuse in the fuse panel. My question to them was lets just say this wire was intermittently grounding out. Why did it not blow the fuse? Sure seems like a long shot to me but I do hope that was all it was and this is all over. The factory rep said that these ecu's are very sensitive to any voltage spikes. Just what we needed, sensitive tractors. :confused: They really could not say that this was the problem for sure and told me to take it and use it. If it happened again they were going to look into replacing the whole tractor wiring harness.


Staff member
Lifetime Member

BX-25D ,PTB. Under Armor, '90&'92-B7100HST's, '06 BX1850 FEL
Jul 13, 2013
Bedford - VA
If that was the cause - little things can drive a computer crazy, on cars and trucks today, a simple .1 volt difference will cause a reading that is not "true" to the ECU - that grounding may not have been enough to blow the fuse, but just enough to send the ECU to go into a spasm!:) Then again - so of these @#$@# computers can spasm out with a turn of a keY!:D:)



Aug 1, 2013
I hope that this was the problem and I do not have any more trouble. I would also like to say that my dealer has been great through the whole ordeal. I will run it for some time and let everyone know how it is doing.


Lifetime Member
Jul 13, 2014
london, ky
My 2014 7060 regens on an average of every 12 hours. I use the auto regen button every time I start it. That way if I am working, all I have to do when the regen lite starts blinking, is just operate at a high enough rpm to stop the lite from blinking and it will go thru the process while i am working. Relative to the 50hr service, my thoughts are engine oil and filter, both hydro filters and clean magnet, fuel filter, clean air filter, change diff fluid and grease all zerks. If two hydro filters and a magnet dont catch the bits of mfg / breakin metalic trash in the system, then there are other issues to be addressed....... just my openion.



Aug 1, 2013
So far so good. My tractor has not had any more problems since the service technicians at the dealership found the small break in the insulation of the wire. I am happy that this is all that it seems was wrong and at the same time a little concerned that something so minuscule as this can take a tractor out of commission. Time will tell as to weather or not the service life of these machines will compare to their older counterparts.


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
A few months back a guy down the road from me had the wiring harness replaced on his NH tractor. About like you he had some bad wiring and had shut his tractor down. Replaced the harness ($5000) and the next morning he went out to find smoke coming from his shed. All said and done he lost 2 tractors, baler, about 200 rolls of hay and the shed.

No way to prove how the fire started but it seems strange to me.



M7060HDC, L4060 HTSC, B2601, RTV1140
Dec 20, 2015
I have a M6060 with the same every 10-12 hour regen issues others have described here.

My tractor is used 99% of the time bushogging with my 8' rotary cutter.

Besides the frequent regens, my tractor during each regen, lights up the "Increase RPM" light. Mind you this happens while bushogging at 2200-2300 RPM's.

The manual for the tractor says that Auto Regen RPM's must be above 1200.

I also noticed that while bushogging I burn around 2-3 gallons of fuel an hour.

I took my tractor to my dealer about these and they couldn't find anything wrong. They hooked up to the ECU and said that they reset the DPF Regen cycle.

It appears that the M series Tractors regen much sooner then the Grand L series tractors. I also own a L4060 Cab tractor which I have had for 3 years and it only regens every 40-50 hours under the same sort of operating conditions, and while mowing if the Regen light starts to flash and I am above 1200 rpm I don't have to raise the engine rpm.

It would be nice if the M series had the DPF filter condition indicator which the Grand L series had to at least monitor the DPF level.

Hopefully my dealer has corrected my frequent regens on my M6060 and fixed the "Raise RPM" issue.

Time will tell.


Well-known member

Oct 15, 2015
Mid, South, USA
I have a M6060 with the same every 10-12 hour regen issues others have described here.

My tractor is used 99% of the time bushogging with my 8' rotary cutter.

Besides the frequent regens, my tractor during each regen, lights up the "Increase RPM" light. Mind you this happens while bushogging at 2200-2300 RPM's.

The manual for the tractor says that Auto Regen RPM's must be above 1200.

I also noticed that while bushogging I burn around 2-3 gallons of fuel an hour.

I took my tractor to my dealer about these and they couldn't find anything wrong. They hooked up to the ECU and said that they reset the DPF Regen cycle.

It appears that the M series Tractors regen much sooner then the Grand L series tractors. I also own a L4060 Cab tractor which I have had for 3 years and it only regens every 40-50 hours under the same sort of operating conditions, and while mowing if the Regen light starts to flash and I am above 1200 rpm I don't have to raise the engine rpm.

It would be nice if the M series had the DPF filter condition indicator which the Grand L series had to at least monitor the DPF level.

Hopefully my dealer has corrected my frequent regens on my M6060 and fixed the "Raise RPM" issue.

Time will tell.

I don't know this for a fact, but I wonder if the DPF itself is on the small side for the M's? The size of the filter can dictate how often it wants to regen, among many other variables that I had discussed in an earlier post.

Don't like the DPF? Call your congressman. All part of the Clinton administration's clean air garbage, passed during his administration and took effect starting in 2003, if I remember correctly. Manufacturers were able to "buy" credits to extend the time until the DPF was mandatory, most of that ran out (at least for trucks) in 2006, 7, and 2008. Tractors got them in '14 year models. But the DPF isn't the only thing that happened....also consider that if you own an older tractor and a dealer replaces the engine, the dealer is responsible for destroying the old engine and documenting the destruction to, ultimately the government. The thought behind this is that that old dirty burning oil burner can't ever be used again. You can thank your government for this stuff, and what I just spoke of in this last paragraph is no lie. Dealers MUST destroy old engines....ALL of them as long as they're over 30 hp. Even the smaller stuff they're asking to be destroyed, even though they aren't required to "yet".

I think they should have been left alone but no....let's hug a tree. Farmers and ranchers just pass the cost of maintenance and repairs on to their buyers. Then those buyers pass the cost on to the stores who get the stuff that we, the consumers, need (you know, corn, bread/wheat, rice, etc)....that means the prices of goods (and services) just go up a little more. All thanks to our over-reaching government.


Sep 26, 2016
NEAR Goliad, TX
I believe the front differential fluid is changed at 50 hours for most Kubota tractors. But whatever the manual states for the 8560 should be done. I used 80w90 in all my tractors.

Kubota now does not call for a hydraulic fluid change at 50 hours. You can choose for yourself if this is wise. Pretty expensive tractor...relatively pretty inexpensive oil. $300 is worth the piece of mind in my opinion.
If I could afford to own and maintain all that equipment, I wouldn't bat an eye at $300 either :D