That Woods is a Cadillac mower! For my use, I'd go cheaper and lighter. My bare bones 4' hog has lasted me for 30 years. I'm on a lot of slopes, far from what many would call ideal, but since I bumped out my rear wheels with spacers (so I could the use the chains I had already bought when winter conditions get icy), my small mower bugs me, relative to my tractor's span. I also have a 5' Jacobson Kubota powered flail mower, which I use on my runway and around the house, but it looses traction fairly easily. I could just keep the 4'er and live with it, but if I was going to buy new, just gaining a foot cutting width doesn't seem worth it, thus the jump up to 6'. You (SDT) don't mention what you're cutting, or how big of a hurry you're in to do it. I will think on it a bit, no hurry, as the only reason I want bigger is to mow where I haven't before, a larger area, my current mowing needs are handled.