Tucker Tires as recommended by Wolfman are an outstanding option. You should first list your tires on Craigslist and here on the forum - there may well be someone out there that would love to make a trade!
I had industrials. I bought AG tires from Tucker, then sold my industrials on Craigslist. The guy that bought them then turned around and had to sell his AGs on Craigslist. We would both have been way ahead with a swap...
Cant thank you enough North Idaho Wolfman....Soon as I get this leak fix I will start saving for new tires and wheels.
My current rims and tires are pretty bad off. One Front and one rear has some dry rot around the valve stems and the tires are in poor conditions. rubber flapping off in one section. Ill post some pics when I get them though...
The tractor wont be used to cut my yards are anything mainly just to play with at the hunting camp and work some food plots and stuff. I'm actually considering going back with AG's for the traction but cant see myself bush hogging or working any land while its wet. My son on the other hand is 4 and is a Tractor lover. He will have me riding him on this thing every chance he gets.. The yard is 3 acres so I can definitely see it taking its spins around the yard.