Reason I run mine at PTO speed pretty much all the time is that I rarely notice the regen light (in the bright sun) until it's well into the regen (if I notice at all). I've put 200 hours on my tractor since I bought it in March, and I'm on it 10 hrs/day when mowing. Last thing I want is finding myself with lights and sirens going off because I didn't catch the need for a regen.I agree. My experience with my L3560 coming up on 4 yrs old, is that the dpf filter fills the most during the 5 minutes or so it takes the engine to warm up. The 60 series tractors have a bar graph in the panel that shows how full the filter is getting, and depending on how cold it is and if there are additives in the fuel, the dpf gains 2 to 4% in warming from a cold start. After that it gains little or decreases. I run it at an rpm appropriate to the task. Since I know a regen is coming from the graph, and I might want to get it done while I have something to do at high rpm, I might idle it to get it to kick over to 100 and start the regen. None of the diesel engines like to be lugged, so use appropriate rpm is fine as far as I am concerned. The only thing different is that there is no point in leaving these common rail engines idling when the tractor is stopped for a break. They are easy to start.
The only reason people are told to leave the rpm up all the time is the problem if someone gets off their tractor for half an hour and the tractor asks for a regen rpm and no one is paying attention. If someone is working and looks at the dash fairly frequently and checks for lights etc any suitable rpm is fine. You have roughly 30 min from the time it starts to request the regen to its completion, before it will demand a parked regen. So if you are fairly observant, no need to drop everything immediately.
I agree it can be inconvenient to have to think about it, I would like to be able to trigger it myself say any time after say 95% . While you can shut it off before it starts it is inadvisable to stop in the middle. Mine regens about 3 or 4 times a year.
I agree with flyidaho - if I could ditch the regen altogether, I'd do it.